Calling for willingness to work in PLI Directorate on deputation/ attachment basis.
Sub: Calling for willingness to work in PLI Directorate on deputation/ attachment basis.
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File No. 32-01/2017-LI Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts Directorate of Postal Life Insurance Chanakyapuri Post Office Complex Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110021 Dated: Dec 28,2023 OFFICE MEMORANDUM :
Willingness from eligible officials in the cadre of Postal Assistant across Circles is hereby called for posting in PLI Directorate on deputation/attachment basis. all the willing officials are advised to go through Deputation/attachment guidelines and ensure their eligibility before submitting their willingness. Postal Assistants in LSG Cadre or above shall not be considered. Posting in PLI Directorate shall be regulated in accordance with Postal Directorate OM No. X-o7/27/2022-SPN-II dated 16.03.2023 (Copy enclosed).
2. Willing officials are requested to submit their application in the enclosed prescribed format through proper channel duly recommended by their Divisional Head and approved by the CPMG However, an advance copy of the application may be sent to the O/o CGM(PLI), PLI Directorate, Chanakayapuri Post Office Complex, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110021.
3. Applicants should ensure that advance copy of their willingness should reach PLI Directorate by 15.01.2024 , failing which candidature will not be considered. Advance copy of willingness may also be sent through email at soplidte@gmail.cou.
4.The above is issued with the approval of the Competent Authority.
EncI: Proforrna application-Annexure-I
(Hariom Sharma) Dy. Divisional Manager
Copy for information to:
1. All Chief Postmaster General for information and necessary action. It is requested to circulate this OM among all the officials working in the Circle/Region/Division.
2. General Manager, CEPT, Mysore with request to place the O.M. on India Post website for information to all concerned.
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