APBS (Aadhaar Payment Bridge System) credit failure cases - Aadhaar seeding data cleansing
Department of Posts Office of the Chief Postmaster-General, Karnataka Circle Bengaluru - 560 001. Urgent/ Important
To: Post Master General, Bengaluru HQ Region, Bengaluru 560 001 Post Master General, North Karnataka Region, Dharwad- 580 001 Post Master General, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru - 560 001
No: FSIPOSB/02/40/Aadhaarseeding Dated at Bengaluru the 29-12-2023.
Sub: APBS credit failure cases - Aadhaar seeding data cleansing.
This is regarding a large number of APBS (Aadhaar Payment Bridge System) DBT credit failure cases pertaining to the DBT beneficiaries of Karnataka Circle reported by NPCI. Taking a serious view, Directorate has ordered stopping of Aadhaar seeding through D-Cube App and directed this office to cleanse the Aadhaar Seeded data by 5th January, 2024.
Aadhaar Seeding records have been divided into three categories. Category wise count of records for cleansing is given below.
Category 1: Count of Aadhaar linked with multiple cif having no SB account: Aadhaar is seeded at NPCI end but for that particular Aadhaar, SB account is not available in finacle against that CIF. But SB account is available in different CIF for same customer. Linking and seeding to happen for the CIF in which SB account is linked in finacle.
Row Labels Count of AADHAAR NO
Bengaluru HQ Region 3
North Karnataka Region 23
South Karnataka Region 36
#N/A 1
Grand Total 63
Category 2: Count of Aadhars linked with single cif but with no SB ACCOUNT: Aadhar is seeded at NPCI end but for that particular Aadhar, SB account is not available in finacle against that CIF. But SB account is available in different CIF for same customer. Linking and seeding to happen for the ClIF in which SB account is linked in finacle.
Category 3: Count of Aadhar linked with multiple cif s having SB accounts and other accts also: Aadhar is linked in multiple CIFs which has SB accouts also. Please do CIF merger and ensure that Aadhar is removed from multiple CIF
As explained in the virtual meeting held today at 14:30 hours, the step wise instructions to be followed for cleansing the CIFs are enclosed in Annexure. It is requested to follow the instructions invariably and revert back in case of any issues faced.
A provision in Karnataka Post website has been made for viewing the Aadhaar records (category wise). The procedure to be followed for updating' the details in the web portal was explained in the meeting held today earlier.
The activity has to be completed by 04-01-2024 without any further delay. All Regional teams are requested to ensure that Divisions do not face any difficulty while carrying out the activity.
This is for information and immediate necessary action
Encl: As above
Categories 1 and2:
Step 1 - Ascertaining correct POSB account number of customers listed (63 + 13126 Cases)
(Applicable for entries under CAT 1 and CAT 2)
a. SB account numbers for (55 + 12081) records have been obtained from D-Cube dump and populated in Karnataka Post Website. For the Aadhaars where SB account from D-Cube is available, Step 2 can be initiated directly.
b. For the remaining 1053 records, the process as explained from point c to e below has to be followed.
C. Check for Mobile numbers availability for rest of the Aadhaar details.
d. Divisions to arrange contacting of these customers over telephone and ascertain the "Savings Bank" account number. The data in excel contains CIF pertaining to other schemes eXcept SB such as RDIPN/SSA/SCSCM/MISNI.
e. For the remaining cases where mobile numbers are not available, customers are to be reached based on address/through delivery staff by 30/12/2023 and Bank" account number to be ascertained from the customer.
* Please note that each entry constitutes a DBT beneficiary and these are the customers who have attempted D-Cube Aadhar seeding in the past months.
* In all these cases, there will be an SB account with the beneficiary which needs to be seeded. If the SB accounts are not traced, the beneficiaries will not have any. DBT credits flowing to any of their accounts henceforth (either Bank/POSB). which will lead to complaints.
Step 2-CIF cleansing activity
(Applicable for entries under CAT 1,CAT2and CAT3)
a. Merger of Secondary CIF(S) (Non-SB CIFs) with Primary CIF (SB CIF)
b. Suspension of Secondary CIFI(S) using CMRC
C. Verification of suspension with CMRC supervisory login
d. Primary CIF up dation with correct Aadhar using CMRC
e. CMRC supervisor verification. Once the SB account number is traced, the SBCIF must be INVARIABLY treated as the PRIMARY CIF.
Further, the remaining CIFs belonging to the customer (RD/MIS/TD etc.,) are to be treated as SECONDARY CIE.
On completion of aforementioned activity, following details must be entered in the Karnataka Post website;
1. SB Account number
2. SB Account linked CIF
3. CIF Name
4. Remarks (CMRC Verification completed)
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