Adhoc appointments in Group B and Group A posts 2023 - DOPT OM (Circular)
Subject : Ad-hoc appointments in Group ‘B" and 'A’ posts — regarding.
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No. 28036/08/2022-Pers. Policy(D) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) North Block, New Delhi Date : 15.12.2023 OFFICE MEMORANDUM
The undersigned is directed to invite reference to this Department's Office Memorandum No. 28036/8/97-Estt(D) dated 30.03.1988 and Office Memorandum No. 28036/1/2012-Estt(D) dated 03.04.2013 regarding ad-hoc appointment/promotion and to draw attention to the following provisions contained in these OMs pertaining to Group ‘B" and ‘A’ posts:
i. Ad-hoc appointments/promotions should be made only in rare cases and for exigencies of work, where the post cannot be kept vacant until regular candidate becomes available. Persons appointed on ad-hoc basis to a grade are to be replaced by persons approved for regular appointment at the earliest opportunity.
ii. The total period for which the appointment/ promotion may be made to these posts, on an ad-hoc basis, keeping in view the exceptionalities anticipated in the aforementioned OMs, by the respective Ministries/ Departments, is to be limited to one year only. In case of compulsions for extending any ad-hoc appointment/promotion beyond one year, the approval of the Department of Personnel and Training is to be sought at least two months in advance before the expiry of the prescribed limit. Also, if the approval of the Department of Personnel & Training to the continuance of the ad-hoc arrangement is not received before the expiry of the prescribed limit, the ad-hoc appointment/promotion shall automatically cease on the expiry of the current term. It is reiterated that continuation of any ad-hoc arrangement beyond the prescribed limits and release of pay and allowances for the same, without express approval of this Department is not in order.
2. Thus, keeping in view the aforementioned extant instructions / guidelines, the primary endeavour should be to fill up posts on regular basis, in terms of the applicable Recruitment / Service Rules, at the earliest. However, where ad-hoc arrangements have been made in unavoidable circumstances, and are required to be extended beyond the prescribed initial period, prior approval of the Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) should invariably be obtained before the expiry of the current term of ad-hoc appointments; promotion, by sending proposal at least 2 months before expiry of term. In case prior approval of DoPT has not been obtained for extension of ad-hoc promotion beyond the prescribed initial term, except where DoPT has specifically allowed the Ministry/Department to seek post- facto ratification of the extension of ad-hoc promotion for the intervening period after the post(s) have been filled on regular basis i.e. period beyond the prescribed
initial term of one year or period extended beyond one year with DoPT’s approval and upto the date the post is filled on regular basis, the ad-hoc promotion shall cease automatically on expiry of the initial term / extended period approved by DOPT, and that the officers shall stand reverted to their substantive post without the requirement of any specific order for their reversion.
3. The Office of the Controller General of Accounts (CGA) has separately been requested to issue advisory to all the Controllers of Accounts in various Ministries/Departments to ensure that pay and allowances etc. for ad-hoc appointment/promotion, in cases where ad-hoc appointment/promotion have continued beyond the permissible limit (i.e. beyond one year or period extended with DoPT’s approval), are to be released only if the arrangement for a particular period has been duly approved by the Department of Personnel and Training. Further, it would be the responsibility of the administrative Ministry/ Department to satisfy the respective Pay and Accounts Officer that the conditions for extension of ad-hoc appointment/promotion have been met before they release the pay and allowances for the extended period of ad-hoc appointment/promotion.
4. Ministries / Departments are required to ensure that the above instructions in the context of this Department's Office Memorandum dated 30.03.1988 and 03.04.2013 are strictly followed by all concerned.
5. No relaxation/exemption from these guidelines will be allowed. Hence proposals seeking ex-post facto approval for extension of ad-hoc appointments/ promotions beyond the permissible period, unless expressly allowed by DoPT as indicated in para 2 above, shall not be considered.
(R.K. Sinha)
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