AAO to AO promotion 2023 | Promotion in the grade of Accounts Officer of the IP&TAFS Group ‘B’ - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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AAO to AO promotion 2023 | Promotion in the grade of Accounts Officer of the IP&TAFS Group ‘B’

Sub: Promotion in the grade of Accounts Officer of the IP&TAFS Group ‘B’ - reg.

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No. 4-14/2022/PACE/VolIV//349 - / 452 Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts ORDER PA Wing, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi 110001 Dated: 27.12.2023

Approval of the competent authority is hereby conveyed for promotion of the following Assistant Accounts Officers of IP&TAFS Group-B to the grade of Accounts Officer in the Level- 9 of Pay Matrix of 7 CPC with immediate effect or from the date of assumption of charge whichever is later:-

All the above officers are promoted and posted on “as is where is basis” at their current place of posting against overall strength of Accounts Officer in DoP and DoT as a short time measure till the rotational transfer takes place. To accommodate the promoted officers against the overall in DoP, 06 posts of Accounts Officer have been temporarily diverted from DoT vide OM of even number dated 27.12.2023.

The promotion of the officer(s) as mentioned above is subject to the conditions that no disciplinary proceedings/vigilance case of the types referred to in the Department of Personnel and Training OM No. 22011/4/91-Estt. (A) dated 14.09.1992 and OM No. 22034/4/2012- Estt. (D) dated 02.11.2012 is pending against them and such case, if any, be referred to the Directorate, and no promotion be made. Further, if in respect of any officer some punishment is current, he/she should not be promoted/relieved on promotion and his/her case shall be treated as “Deemed to be under Sealed Cover” as per ibid DoP&T OM dated 14.09.1992, The same should be reported to this office immediately.

4, Heads of the office will communicate these orders to the officer(s) concerned immediately and obtain from them their acceptance of the offer of promotion within 10 days of the receipt of this memorandum and forward the same to this office.

5. Refusal of promotion will lead to debarring the officer from promotion and financial upgradation of any kind till one year from the issue of this order. Disciplinary action can be taken against the officer for refusing to obey the orders of the Competent Authority. Officers refusing promotion shall be debarred from any officiating opportunity, which should be strictly implemented by the Heads of the CCAs/PAOs etc.

6. The above promotion order is subject to outcome of the various Court Cases pending against AAO LDCE 2018.

7. The pay of the officers on promotion will be fixed under FR-22.

8. The officer(s) already officiating in AO grade may be reverted to their substantive grade i.e. AAO for at least one day before promotion to the grade of Accounts Officer of IP&TAFS Group ‘B’.

9. Charge reports should be submitted to all concerned. 

(Joseph K Mathew)

Director (PA Admn)

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