RD Agent Portal OTP Password reset Process (Procedure) | Download RD Agent Portal OTP Password reset Process
Download RD Agent Portal Password reset through OTP Process in PDF
1. DOP AGENT PORTAL is accessed by MPKBY/PRSS agent for preparation of RD bulk list.
2. If the agent forgets password or enters incorrectly for 5 times, ID will get locked. New password request is submitted at linked post office. This request is currently sent to CBS EOD team through Circle CPC. Post reset EOD team sends the password to concerned CPC for onward transmission to Agents. This results in delay in receipt of password.
3. Agent password is locked due to incorrect attempts or due to non logging for more than 90 days.
4. Now Agents can reset the password on their own using Forgot Password Option.
5. Clicks on Forgot Password. Following details are to be entered Agent need to enter his AGENT ID (DOP. Is already prefixed), Commission Credit SB account Number, Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY). This DOB available in the CIF of the commission credit account. In case if the agent is using Joint account for commission credit account, DOB can be either of the primary account holder or joint account holder.
6. Agent enters all relevant details in 3 fields and CAPTCHA and then clicks on CAPTCHA
7. If the above details are correct, OTP will be delivered to mobile number linked to commission credit account. OTP screen will be displayed
8. OTP will be sent to registered mobile number which is available in Agent Profile creation menu. This mobile number is same as the one which is available in commission credit account has been updated in Agent profile menu as one time exercise (HDSAMM). If the agent want to change the mobile number, they can approach the linked post office and get the same updated in Agent profile menu (HDSAMM). If OTP is not received within 180 seconds, Regenerate OTP button will get enabled after time elapses.
9. Once Regenerate OTP is clicked, revised OTP is sent to registered mobile number
10. Once OTP is entered, if OTP matches, password set screen will be displayed
11. Password related instructions are given. Agent can check the instructions and click on the checkbox “Set Agent Login Password”
12. Password can be set by agents and as reconfirmation same password is to be typed in retype password field
13. Password will changed successfully. This Screen to be closed and agent can relogin in agent portal using the new password set by them
14. Agent need to close the screen once the password is changed successfully. Agent to open new window and try to login with new password
15. Following errors are configured If agent id is entered incorrectly the following error “Invalid agent id” will be thrown
16. If Commission credit account is entered incorrectly error “Invalid commission credit account number. Please provide valid details” will be thrown
17. If incorrect DOB is entered, error “Entered Date of Birth is wrong - please provide valid Date of Birth” is thrown
18. If no mobile number is available in finacle, error “OTP delivery failed. Please register your mobile number in the post office attached”
19. Agent can change password before expiry through regular login also
20. This Agent Portal Forgot Password functionality will work even for agents whose Login has been disabled for non usage above 90 days.
21. In case of new agents who Agent ID has been created in EB Admin Portal and password set for the first time, default password will be not be sent through mail. Instead above process of forgot password has to be used immediately on next day of creation in agent id in finacle.
22. Once password is set by themselves, this password is to be used to login in agent portal for the first time
23. Screen as below will be displayed for NEW AGENTS ALONE or AGENTS who has not logged in AGENT PORTAL till date ie first time agents
Password will be the new password set by agent themselves using forgot password New Password — Again another password has to be set by agent on their own Retype New Password — Same password as set by them to be enteredOnly for new agents password has to be set twice. Password set for the 2nd time can be used for login.
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