Mail Monitoring Units (MMU) Set up at Directorate/Circle/Region and Division level for monitoring of Parcel (Mails) Operations and Delivery
Subject: Setting up of Mail Monitoring Units (MMU) at Directorate/Circle/Region and Division level for monitoring of Mail / Parcel Operations and Delivery.
F. No. F. No. 18-01/2023- PD. Government of India Ministry of Communications. Department of Posts. Parcel Directorate Malcha Marg Post office Complex Chanakyapur, New Delhi-110021 Dated: 31.10.2023 To, All Chief Postmaster Generals,
Ref. Parcel Directorate letter of even no. dated 21.06.2023.
This has reference to Parcel Directorate letter referred above wherein instructions have been issued for setting up of Mail Monitoring Units (MMUs) at Directorate/Circle/Region and Division level for effective monitoring of Mail and Parcel operations and delivery.
2. Para 3 of the “SOP for setting up Mail Monitoring Units (MMU) for effective monitoring of Mail / Parcel operations” has specifically provided that Divisional MMUs should be provided with 2-3 Office Assistants to ensure effective monitoring of booking, processing and delivery of Mail and Parcel on daily basis as well as flagging issues for taking remedial measures by the authorities concerned. Para 3.3 of the SOP also provided that MMUs should not be assigned with any work not related to booking, processing, transmission and delivery of Mail and Parcel.
3. A Workshop to review the functioning of Mail Monitoring Unit (MMUs) at Circle/Region/Division level was held at Hyderabad on 3rd October, 2023. During the Workshop, it was reported by most of the Circle MMU In-charge that problems are being faced by Circle MMUs at Divisional level compliance as dedicated and exclusive teams are not provided, to coordinate with Circle/Regional MMUs.
4. Mail and Parcel volume handled by the Department during the current financial year has shown signs of growth over the volume handled during the previous years. Growing volume, however, also necessitates the need for enhanced monitoring of mail operations so that pick-up, booking, processing and delivery of articles can be. performed as per the expectations of the customers especially major corporate customers i.e. IGNOU, Amazon, Shiprocket, Decathlon, LIC, Election Commission of India, SBI, Protean, etc.
5. Circles are, therefore, again requested to provide exclusive 2-3 Office Assistants in each Divisional MMUs in the Circle as has been provided in the SOP for the setting up of Mail Monitoring Units
6. A confirmation report in the matter may be send to the Parcel Directorate in the attached format (in excel format) by 6th November, 2023.
Encl A/a
(Ajay Kumar Roy) Chief General Manager
Copy to
i. DDG (Mail Operations), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi for information,
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