LDCE AAO Exam Eligibility 2023 | Download Postal AAO Exam 2023 Eligibility Criteria in PDF - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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LDCE AAO Exam Eligibility 2023 | Download Postal AAO Exam 2023 Eligibility Criteria in PDF


1. Recruitment Rules for AAO cadre was Issued In AAO Notification dated 02.04.2018. Eligibility Criteria mentioned in the Notification dated 02.04.2018 is hold good for the for the year 2022 and for further years.

2. All officials of the Department of Posts or Department of Telecommunications in Group 'C’ cadre possessing a bachelor’s degree from a recognised University or Institute are eligible for AAO examination.

3. Group "C” officials are only eligible to appear In the AAO Examination Hence HSG- II, HSG-I , IP and ASPOs are not eligible to appear in the AAO Examination

4. Qualifying service

4. (i) If an official is initially recruited as MTS Group C official, qualifying service required for AAO examination is 14 years.

ii) If an official Is initially recrifted as Postman or Mail Guard,Qualifying service required for AAO examnation is 11 years.

iii) If an official Is Initially recruited as Postal Assistant or Sorting Assistant qualifying service required for AAO examination is 9 years.

5. Crucial date for determining the eligibility -

The crucial date for determining the eligibility shall be considered for each vacancy year separately as stated below-

The above Crucial date may vary for each year of Notification. We haveto refer the current notification for the AAO examination.

6. Important Note: It Is the responsibility of the candidates to ascertain their eligibiities consulting with their Divisional Offices.


P.Karunanithy, Retired SPOs, 9384329681

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