Web Portal for Recruitment of meritorious sportspersons in DOP (Post Office)
F. No. 17-55/2022-SPN-I Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi — 110001 October 31,2023
To, The General Manager, Center for Excellence in Postal Technology Bangalore, Karnataka,
Subject:- Web Portal for Recruitment of meritorious sportspersons.
Reference is invited to the discussion held with CEPT in its Bangalore Office on 4th-6th october 2023 for development of web portal for recruitment of meritorious sports persons. As per discussion of the competent Authority was required on a few aspects. Accordingly, the issues were examined and I have been directed by the Competent Authority to convey the following for taking further action by CEPT:-
2. Payment of Fee:- A fee of Rs.100/- is required to be paid by the applicant. However, women candidates and candidates belonging to SC/ST/EWS/PwBD shall be exempted from payment of fee. Further, no fee shall be charged for making correction in the submitted application, except when an applicant will go for change in status from exempted category to non-exempted category (e.g. wrongly applied as Female candidate initially and corrected later on to Male candidate).
3. Educational Qualification: During discussion, officers from Circles pointed out that some students after passing 10th standard pursue diploma and thereafter take admission for Bachelors Degree. In other words, these students would not have passed 10+2 but would have Bachelors Degree. Such applicants having Bachelors Degree are eligible for the posts of PA/SA and shall also be eligible for Postman / Mail Guard, where minimum qualification is 10+2 standard pass. Portal may be synchronized accordingly.
4.Preparation of Merit List:- DoPT has issued instructions for preparation of merit list. As per these instructions, order of preference shall be as under:-
5. While above Order of Preference shall be followed, following principles shall be adopted to decide infer se merit of candidates having same level of participation:-
a. In the event of tie, candidate who has secured a higher position / medal shall be given the preference. If there is still tie, candidate who has won more number of position / medal shall be given the preference.
b. To remove any doubt it is clarified that if two candidates have secured 1st position (Gold Medal) in international competition, then the candidate who has secured more number of Ist position (Gold Medal) will be given preference. If both candidates have same number of Ist position (Gold Medal) then the candidate who has more number of 2nd position (Silver Medal) will be given preference and if still there is tie then the candidate who has more number of 3rd position (Bronze Medal) will be given preference. If still there is tie, candidate who is older will be given preference and if still there is tie, inter se position shall be decided as per alphabetical order of their name.
c. Further, if a candidate has won position/medal in more than one eligible sports discipline, then all such position/medal shall be taken into consideration.
6. The portal being developed for recruitment of sportspersons may be appropriately synchronized.
Yours faithfully, (Satya Narayana Dash) Director (SPN)
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