System Admin (SA) Selection Mechanism (Procedure) in DOP | System Manager (SM) Selection Process - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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System Admin (SA) Selection Mechanism (Procedure) in DOP | System Manager (SM) Selection Process

Subject: Mechanism for Selection and Deployment of System Administrators (SA) and System Managers (SM).

Download Selection Mechanism of System Administrators (SA) and System Managers (SM) in DOP in PDF

No.Q-25/14/2023_PE-I-DOP(pt) Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (Establishment Division) Dak Bhawan, New Delhi 110001 Dated: 12.10.2023 Office Memorandum

This is in continuation of this office letter of even number dated 29.08.2023 vide which Record of Discussions of the National Workshop of System Administrators (SA) / System Managers (SM) of Postal Circles was circulated.

2. The substantive issues that were discussed in the said workshop inter- alia included formulation of a structured mechanism for selection, training and deployment of System Administrators / System Managers. On the lines of consensus arrived in the workshop, following structured mechanism for selection and deployment of System Administrators and System Managers detailed as under is hereby put into place with immediate effect:

a) Nomenclature:

(i) System Administrator (SA) - Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistants providing technical assistance in Regional Office (RO) and Circle Office (CO) are classified as System Administrator.

(ii) System Manager (SM) - Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistants providing technical assistance in Divisional Office (DO), Head Post Office (HO), Sub Post Office (SO), different categories of Mail Office (NSH/PH/CRC etc.), PSD and any other category of Departmental Offices are classified as System Managers.

(iii) Mail Overseer (MO) - The cadre of Mail Overseer is being strengthened to provide technical assistance to Branch Offices under their respective beats.

b) Deployment:

(i) Circle Office / Regional Office -Number of Divisions (Postal/RMS) under direct control of CO/RO will determine the number of SAs to be deployed in CO/RO. There shall be one SA for every four Divisions under their control. In addition, one SA will be there to look after the technical assistance for the CO/RO concerned.

(i) Postal Division/RMS Division — The number of System Managers (SM) in a division will depend on the number of Computers/Laptop which are functional. There shall be one SM for every 30 Computers/ Laptop.

(ii) Branch Post Office- Mail Overseers (MOs) will be providing technical assistance to Branch Post Offices under their beat. MOs may seek assistance of SMs in getting the issues resolved by raising it to CEPT/ Vendor concerned in case the issue remains unresolved.

PMG /CPMG shall have the authority to increase/decrease the number of SAs/SMs to be deployed in CO/RO/Divisions, if there are justified reasons on record.

c) Roles & Responsibility -

(1) System Administrators / System Managers — They will be exclusively responsible for resolving/troubleshooting any technical challenges that may arise whilst delivering resolution/solutions and troubles faced by users in hardware / software / network etc. related technical issues. In addition, they will assist in monitoring and reporting in connection with technical issues including hardware /software /network related issues.

System Manager shall raise unresolved issue with the System Administrator. System Administrators will contact the CEPT/ Vendor concerned for resolution of technical issues.

System Administrator / System Manager shall also impart technical training to staff at DTC/RTC/WCTC or at H.O. etc. as per the requirement.

(ii) Mail Overseers - Mail Overseers will be responsible for resolving / troubleshooting any challenges that may arise whilst delivering resolution /solutions and trouble faced by the BPM/ABPM of Branch Post Offices of their respective beat. MOs may seek assistance of SMs in getting the

2. issues resolved by raising it to CEPT/ Vendor concerned in case the issue remains unresolved.

d) Eligibility Criteria - Eligibility criteria for selection of System Administrator (CO/RO level) or System Manager (Division) are as under:


Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant with minimum of 2 years of regular service and who has completed probation period successfully or officials in LSG cadre.

Educational qualification - Graduate with Science and Maths at Graduation level. Officials with degree or Diploma in Computer Science, Electronics etc shall also be eligible. Educational Qualification may be relaxed for officials who have worked as System Administrators or System Managers for a period of three years.

Certification in minimum one of the following Departmental courses available on Dak Karmayogi portal and/or i-GOT Karmayogi portal: -

(i) BIMA DEeP — Parangat

(ii) Finacle Workflow

(iii) Postal Technology — Parangat

Candidate shall be clear from Vigilance angle

Desirable — Candidate having completed following courses shall be given preference:

Comp TIA A + (Entry level certification covering essential IT skills)

CCNA (for basic networking knowledge)

ITIL foundation (focused on IT service management practices and processes)

Certified Information System Manager (CISM) (emphasizes information risk management and governance).

e) Selection process:

(i) System Administrator —- CO/RO will call for the willingness for the post of System Administrator. Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of essential eligibility criteria. A selection committee ———— the following officers/officials will assess the suitability of the applicant and recommend for selection:

APMG/AD of the CO/RO Concerned


Two System Administrators working/ worked in CO/RO

Selection committee will conduct Interview for shortlisted candidates and the candidates will be selected on merit securing higher marks.

Distribution of Maximum Marks among the members of selection committee will be as follows:

APMG/AD - 40 Marks

IP/ASP - 30 Marks

System Administrators - 30 Marks (2 SAs x 15)

Total - 100 Marks

(ii) System Manager - Divisional Head will call for willingness for the post of System Manager. Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of essential eligibility criteria. A selection committee comprising the following officers / officials will assess the suitability of the applicant and recommend for selection:

Divisional Head of Division concerned

One IP/ASP of the Division concerned

Two System Managers working/ worked in Division

Selection committee will conduct Interview for shortlisted candidates and the candidates will be selected on merit securing higher marks.

Distribution of Maximum Marks among the members of selection committee will be as follows:

Divisional Head - 40 Marks

IP/ASP - 30 Marks

System Managers - 30 Marks (2 SMs x 15)

Total - 100 Marks

f) Parameters of Selection for selection committee — The selection committee will evaluate the shortlisted candidates on following parameters. The selection committee may include any other parameter(s) if it so decides: -

(i) The applicant should have good knowledge of software/ technology being used in the Department.

(ii) Applicant should have knowledge of basic operational software like Operating System (OS), MS Office etc.

(iii) Communication skills in English and hindi or local language

(iv) Ability to think innovatively to resolve any technical issue

g) Training — Selected System Administrator / System Manager shall be required to complete the following Postal Training Modules on i- GoT/Dakkarmayogi portal within a month of joining as SA/SM / issue of this order and submit the training completion certificate to his reporting and appointing officer.

Postal Training Modules:

(i) Selected Candidate must complete eight major categories of courses in Finacle workflow available on Dak Karmayogi portal and i-GOT Karmayogi portal.

(ii) Selected candidate should also complete major courses available for DARPAN mobile android devices, IPVS and SAP and other major courses along with the latest updated courses on Dak Karmayogi portal.

(iii) Selected Candidate must complete Bima Deep courses in McCamish workflow at Dak Karmayogi portal and i-GOT Karmayogi portal.

Mail Overseers: All Mail Overseers shall be required to complete the below mentioned training programs from i-GOT Karmayogi Portal / Dak Karmayogi within a month of their joining/issue of this order and submit the completion certificate to Sub Divisional head.

(i) Eight major categories of courses in Finacle workflow available on Dak Karmayogi portal and i-GOT Karmayogi portal.

(ii) Major courses available for DARPAN mobile android devices, IPVS and SAP and major courses along with the latest updated courses on Dak Karmayogi portal

(iii) Bima Deep courses in McCamish workflow at Dak Karmayogi portal and i-GOT Karmayogi portal.

h) Tenure: System Administrator or System Manager shall have a tenure of three years from the date of his/her joining as SA/SM. There shall be a mandatory cooling off period of “one year” before he/she can be appointed again as SA/SM.

i) Provision of TA/ DA: - The tour TA / DA will be admissible as per entitlement.

3. This issue with the approval of the competent authority.

Assistant Director General (Estt.)


Head of Circles

Copy to:

(i) Secretary(P), DOP (ii) DGPS, DOP (iii) Member (P), DOP (iv) DDG(E), DOP (v) DDG(T), DOP (vi) Centre for Excellence in Postal Technology(CEPT), Bengaluru (vii)Director(E), DOP (viii) ADG(GDS), DOP

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