RTI Reply on payment of admissible DA to the Post Office employees (DOP) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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India Post

RTI Reply on payment of admissible DA to the Post Office employees (DOP)

Subject: Supply of information under RTI Act, 2005 on admissible DA to DOP employees.

F. No: 23 -121 120 1 9-Trg. Govemment of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (Training Division) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110 001 Dated: 11.10.2023 To, Sh. Arnab Karmakar

Reference - Online RTl Application no. POSTS/R/E/23/14881


Information sought

Information fumished


Kindly provide the following order which has been referred in the Training Division order no. 01-2412017-Trg. dated 04.05.2023 regarding payment of admissible DA to the emPloYees:

 1) Training Division letter no. 01/24/2017 -Trg. dated 09.11.2017

 2) Training Division order no. 01-24/2017-Trg. 01-24/2017-Trg dated 13.07.201

1) Kindly find enclosed Training Division letter no. 01-24/2017 -Trg. dated 09.11.2017.

 2) No letter has been issued by Training Division through letter no. 01-24/2017-Trg. dated 13.07.201. It is,

however, informed that DePartment Expenditure's letter no. 19030/I/2017-E IV dated 13-07-2017 has been referred in Training Division order no. 01-24/2017 -Trg. dated 04.05.2023 and a coPY of same is enclosed with this letter.


2. In case you are not satisfied with the information provided, an appeal may be sent to DDG (Mission Karmayogi)/First Appellate Authority, Department of Posts, Room No. 312, gor', in & Phone : Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-l10001, (Email : ddgmky@indiapost.gov.in & phone: Oll-23044994) within 30 days of receipt of this letter.

Yours faithfully,

(Sanjeev Chawla)

Assistant Director (Training) &

CPIO (Training & MKY Division)

Email : trainin sA)indiapost.gov.in

Phone: 011-23044857

Encl. : As above.

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