Rs 2000 Denomination Banknotes Withdrawal from Circulation - SOP to facilitate booking at post office (DOP) Counters. - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Rs 2000 Denomination Banknotes Withdrawal from Circulation - SOP to facilitate booking at post office (DOP) Counters.

Subject: Rs. 2000 Denomination Banknotes - Withdrawal from Circulation -SOP to facilitate booking at post office Counters. 

Download Post Office SOP for Rs 2000 notes withdrawal in PDF

No. 27-10/2023-PO Government of lndia Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (PO Division) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg New Delhi-110001 Dated: 13.10.2023 OFFICE MEMORANDUM : 

In continuation to this Divisions OM of even number. Dated 4th October, 2023 on the aforementioned, kindly find enclosed herewith General lnstructions to facilitate transmission of Rs 2000 banknotes through the post office counters along with annexures.

2. Apart from this the existing norms for Booking, Transmission and Delivery of insured articles containing bankicurrency notes, shall mandatorily be followed. Such exchange or credit shall be subject to relevant RBI / Government regulations, submission of valid identity documents and due diligence as deemed fit by RBI. ln the event of repugnancy, directions/ instructions/ policy issued by RBI shall prevail over these instructions.

3. In this context, it is requested to circulate the same to all field units under jurisdiction of your Circle and ensure its strict adherence by the field units.

4. This issues with approval of competent authority.

Encl. As above.

Assistant Director General (PO) Email: adqpo@indiapost.qov.rn


All Chief Postmasters General

General lnstructions in respect of transmission of Rs 2000 banknotes:

A. Guiding the Customer-

(i) Whenever the customer visits a post office and desires to send the Rs 2000 banknotes through lndia Post, he/she may be guided promptly about the facility of sending the same through postal article by insured speed post or insured registered article service.

(ii) He/ she shall be informed that the maximum amount of bank notes that can be dispatched by post office shall not exceed Rs. 20,0001 at a time.

(iii) He/ she shall be informed about the packaging policy/ rulings of the Department for sending the bank notes as insured article.

(iv) He/she shall also be informed that the said articles must be addressed to any of the 19 RBI lssue Offices for credit to their bank accounts in India, the address of the same are available in the RBI website and articles for transmission of t2000, addressed to any other addressee shall not be entertained. List of RBI issue Offices is enclosed herewith. (Annexure-A)

(v) He / she shall also be informed about the insurance fees, postage rates as well as mode of payment of the same.

(vi) He/ she shall also be informed about the requirement of filling up the form on the basic information about the sender. The said form shall be written in three copies- one to be enclosed in the envelope, second to be retain with the post office and third for customer.

(vii) He/ she shall also be informed that the prepayment of all charges on insured articles, namely, postage, registration fees and insurance fees, shall be compulsory.

(viii) He/she shall be informed that the sender should declare on the article the value of the contents at the time of dispatch.

(ix) He/ she shall be informed that the sender should bring the envelope containing Rs 2000 bank notes in open condition and the same must be pasted/packed in front of the post office official, who in turn shall satisfy himself/herself about the amount, number of bank notes with the information written in the form by the customer.

(x) He/ she will also write the serial number of the bank notes, which are to be transmitted, in the form.

(xi) DoP will not be liable for incorrect Bank account or name of account holder or incorrect IFSC code or sanctity of the Bank notes.

(xii) DoP will not be liable for delay or declination of credit of amount in Bank account.

(xiii) Liability of the DoP restricts only upto delivery of the articles. Subsequent grievance of delay or not receipt of amount or approximate time of crediting the amount against 12000 bank notes lies with RBI only, Grievance channel or authority for handling grievance of the senders in respect of grievances other than delivery of article will be handled by RBI only

B. Facility at Head Offices/ Sub Offices-  

The article (speed posU registered) containing t2000 bank notes, shall be posted at any head post Office or sub post office across the country against filing up of a request slip/ form as prescribed in Annexure-B. The said facility is not available at branch post offices.

C. Restriction on maximum amount-

Rs 2000 banknotes can be transmitted through post office by individuals / entities at the 19 RBI lssue Offices up to a limit of Rs 20,000/- at a time.

D. Postal Articles must be insured-

The facility of sending the Rs 2000 bank notes to any of the 19 RBI lssue Offices through postal article is available through insured speed post or insured registered article service Further the said articles shall be insured for the actual value of the contents and in no case shall such value exceed the real value.

Note 1: Apart from this the existing norms for Booking, Transmission and Delivery of insured articles containing bank/currency notes, shall mandatorily be followed.

Note 2: ln the event of repugnancy, directions/ instructions/ policy issued by RBI shall prevail over these instructions.

Note 3: Such exchange or credit shall be subject to relevant RBI / Government regulations, submission of valid identity documents and due diligence as deemed fit by RBl.

List of 19 RBI regional office address where you can exchange, deposit Rs 2000

1. Ahmedabad

The General Manager Reserve Bank of lndia, lssue Department 2nd Floor, Near Gandhi Bridge Ahmedabad 380 014.

2. Bengaluru

The Officer In-Charge, Consumer Education and Protection Cell, Reserve Bank of lndia 10/3/8, Nrupthunga Road, Bengaluru-560 001 , Telephone: 080- 22180397

3. Belapur

The Deputy General Manager Reserve Bank of lndia, lssue Department Plot No. 3, Sector 10, H.H, Nirmala Devi Marg, CBD, Belapur, Navi Mumbai - 400 614.

4. Bhopal

The Deputy General Manager Reserve Bank of lndia, lssue Department, Hoshangabad Road, Post Box No. 32, Bhopal 462 011.

5. Bhubaneswar

The Deputy General Manager Reserve Bank of lndia, lssue Department Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Post Box No. 16, Bhubaneswar - 75l 001

6. Chandigarh

The Deputy General Manager Reserve Bank of lndia, lssue Department Central Vista, Opposite Telephone Bhavan, Sector 17, Chandigarh -'160 017.

7. Chennai

The General Manager Reserve Bank of lndia, lssue Department Fort Glacis No. 16, Rajaji Salai, Post Box No. 40, Chennai - 600 001

8. Guwahati

The General Manager Reserve Bank of lndia, lssue Department Station Road, Panbazar, Post Box No. 120, Guwahati - 781 001.

9. Hyderabad

The General Manager lssue Department Reserve Bank of lndia 6-1-65, Secretariat Road, Saifabad, Hyderabad - 500 004

10. Jaipur

The General Manager, lssue Department Reserve Bank of India Rambaug Circle, Tonk Road, Post Box No.12, Jaipur- 302 004

11. Jammu

The Deputy General Manager Reserve Bank of lndia, lssue Department Rail Head Complex, Jammu - 180 012.


The General Manager Issue Department Reserve Bank of lndia M.G. Marg, Post BoxNo.82l142 Kanpur - 208001.

13. Kolkata

The General Manager lssue Department Reserve Bank of lndia Post Bag No. 49 Kolkata - 700 001

14. Lucknow

Reserve Bank of lndia, 8-9 Vipin Khand, Gomtinagar, Lucknow-226010

15. Mumbai

The General Manager Reserve Bank of lndia, lssue Department Main Building, Shahid Bhagat Singh Marg, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

16. Nagpur

The General Manager Reserve Bank of lndia, lssue Department Main Office Building, Dr Raghvendra Rao Road, Post Box No. 15, Civil Lines, Nagpur-440 001.

17. New Delhi

The General Manager Reserve Bank of lndia, lssue Department 6, Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110001.

18. Patna

The Deputy General Manager Reserve Bank of lndia, lssue Department, South Gandhi Maidan Post Box No. 162 Patna - 800 001.

19. Thiruvananthapuram

The Deputy General Manager Reserve Bank of lndia lssue Department, Bakery Junction, Post Box No. - 6507, Thiruvananlhapuram - 695 033

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