PS Groub B Exam 2023 Results will be announced soon
Subject: LDCE PS Group 'B' for the vacancy years 2021,2022 and 2023, held on 04th June 2023 - Latest Vigilance Clearance and information- regarding.
F. No. A-34013/02/2O23-DE Government of lndia Ministry of Communicotions Department of Post (DE Section) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110 001 Dated: 18.10.2023 To, All Heads of Circles
I am directed to refer to the subject mentioned obove and to request the Circle(s) to furnish the latest Vigilance clearance report in respect of all candidates who appeared in the LDCE PS Group 'B' from the Circle, wilh specific recommendations for declaring their results or otherwise with the reasons thereof, observing the instructions contained in the DoP letter No. X-7/6/2O22-SPN-II dated 17.05.2023 followed by clarification dated 22.09.2023
2. Circle may also furnish the complete details of disciplinary/criminal cases pending against the candidates separately as detailed in SPN letter No. X-7/6/2022-SPN-II dated 17.05.2023 from Para 3 to 5.
3. Circle(ls) is also requested to furnish the details of candidates (if any) who have been allowed to appear in the said LDCE considering thot his/her juniors have been allowed to appear in the said LDCE for particular vacancy year.
4. The requisite information as mentioned above may please be furnished to this moffice by 27.10.2023 positively.
Yours faithfully,
(Ranjeet Kumar Sinha)
Director (DE)
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