PLI RPLI Incentive Structure 2023 Clarification in respect of eligibility of sales force - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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PLI RPLI Incentive Structure 2023 Clarification in respect of eligibility of sales force

Subject: Promotional and Incentive Structure of PLI/RPLI — Clarification in respect of eligibility of sales force - reg.

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Government of India Ministry of Communications, Department of Posts DIRECTORATE OF POSTAL LIFE INSURANCE Chanakyapuri Post Office Complex, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110021 No. 28-06/2014-LI (Pt-I) Dated: 12.10.2023

To All Heads of Circles, 

This is regarding promotional and incentive structure of PLI.RPLI and has a reference to PLI Directorate’s letter no. 28-03/2019-LI (2) dated 06.07.2020.

2. In this connection, the following is clarified in respect of eligibility of sales force of PLI and RPLI:

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1. Whether ASP in level-9 (as per 7th CPC) are eligible for payment of PLI/RPLI incentive on the policies procured by them.

Presently, all categories of Departmental Employees drawing salary upto the Level-8 (as per 7th CPC) including MTS, Postman, PA, SA, PACO, IP, AAO, ASP etc. are eligible to procure PLI/RPLI business.

 It is clarified that officer working on substantive ASP post or any similar analogous post (like AAO etc.) in level-9 may also be eligible for payment of PLI/RPLI incentive on the policies procured by them. However, such ASP or officer/official holding analogous post promoted to PS Group B Officer on officiating, ad-hoc or regular promotion will not be eligible for PLI/RPLI incentive. 

3. This issues with approval of the competent authority.

(Gurvinder Singh) Deputy Divisional Manager-I

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