New Features in DOP CSI POS version 4.9 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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New Features in DOP CSI POS version 4.9

New Features in DOP CSI POS version 4.9:

Introduction of ONDC article booking under Portal induction services.

Provision for collecting GST, which will be effective after the completion of PAN India Roll Out.

Sender and Recipient Mobile number are mandatory for Retail/Bulk/Emo Booking. However, for International mail only sender Mobile no is mandatory.

Addition of new Functionality to capture the dimensional information  i.e.,  Length, Breadth, Height, Diameter, and shape of  Article at the time of Retail/BULK Booking for Volumetric weight Calculation. This functionality is not applicable for international bookings

Volumetric weight will be considered if L + B + H > 90 cm and L\B\H > 60 in the case of cuboid. Volumetric weight will be considered if L > 90 and B > 90 in case of cylinder.

Late Fee is discontinued.

Introduction of new international Bulk booking services for following services

o Registered International Printed Papers

o Registered International M Bag

o International Blind Literature

o Aerogramme international

Addition of new functionality at the time POSTBOX New registration for counter PA to select the Post Box No as per the choice.

Addition of new functionality  at the time of Contractual BNPL Bulk booking.  All payment mode will be disabled except BNPL payment mode.

Addition of VAS services i.e.,  AD, VP, INS etc. on receipts

City and State is made mandatory field for PDA opening.

Newly modified Detailed report is  available for Retail/Bulk booking which includes Volumetric weight,  Length,  breadth,  Height,  Diameter,  shape of  article

Introduction of  Customer wise Booking report

Introduction of  Local pin-code master report

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