Facilitation of Digital Life certificate (DLC) through Face Authentication for Super Senior Pensioners aged 80 years
Sub: Facilitation of Digital Life certificate (DLC) through Face Authentication for Super Senior Pensioners aged 80 years and above from 1st October every year- reg.
Download Facilitation of Digital Life certificate (DLC) through Face Authentication in pdf
No. 1(2)/2023-P&PW(H)-8869 Dated 25/09/2023 OFFICE MEMEORANDUM
The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Pension and Pensioners” Welfare’s OM No. 1/20/2018-P&PW(E) dated 18/7/2019 (copy enclosed) regarding provisions of submission of life certificate for super senior pensioners aged 80 years and above from 1st October to every year.
2. In view of the Digital Life Certificate through Face Authentication Technology, it is now possible that each and every citizen can submit Digital life certificate either from home using android smartphone or bank branch.
3. It is suggested that all Banks may utilize the various platforms for creating awareness of the convenience of obtaining a Life Certificate by using the Face Authentication Technology. The following steps may be taken by the Banks:-
i. SMS/ emails/ Whats App message may be sent to the pensioner with link of SOP of Face Authentication to empower the Super Senior Pensioner to submit their Life Certificate through Face Authentication Technology through their Android phone. (Youtube link of SOP:
https://www youtube. com/watch?v=jbWZJkm-PB0.
ii. Banks may circulate the SOP on DLC through Face Authentication (copy enclosed) through email to concerned officials of Banks to enable them to get familiar with the usage of this technology.
iii. Facilitate bed-ridden/hospitalized pensioners for submission of life certificate of by deputing Doorstep banking executives.
iv. Banks may run widely publicize the methodology for submitting DLC by pasting information posters in branches/ATMs.
4. Necessary instructions may be issued to all the Bank branches to make suitable arrangements for submission of Life Certificate by the super senior pensioners/family pensioners aged 80 years and above from 1st October of every year.
Encl: (1) OM No. 1/20/2018-P&PW(E) dated 18/7/2019
(2) SOP on Face Authentication.
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