SB Order 18/2023: SOP for handling/payment of accounts/certificates non-migrated to CBS Finacle - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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SB Order 18/2023: SOP for handling/payment of accounts/certificates non-migrated to CBS Finacle

SB Order No 18/2023: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for handling / payment of accounts / certificates non-migrated to Finacle CBS - Reg.

Download SB Order 18/2023 in PDF

No. CBS-25/96/2021-FS-DOP Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (Financial Services Division) Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - I10001 Dated:13.09.2023

To, All Head of Circles / Regions

Various references have been received in this office regarding streamlining of the procedure for processing payments against POSB accounts and certificates which were left out during migration to Finacle CBS due to various reasons.

2. After CBS & CSI GL integration which was implemented in September 2019, ideally there should not have been any manual voucher posting in the F & A Module of CSI for accounting ofPOSB transactions. However, in order to account the POSB related transactions which are handled out of Finacle CBS, due to rnultiple reasons, voucher posting in F&A Module of CSI is being resorted to.

3. In order to streamline the handling and payment of such non migrated POSB accounts and certificates and also to restrict voucher posting in F&A module of CSI in respect of POSB receipts and payments, it has been decided that payment ofany such non-migrated account(s) and certificate(s) shall be done in Finacle. This will result into appropriate accounting of all the POSB transactions in Finacle and will strengthen the checking mechanism. It will also lead to reduction of inconvenience to customers.

4. Accordingly, Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to handle all such non-migrated POSB account(s) / certificate(s) in Finacle has been prepared and is attached for information, guidance and necessary action.

5. Circles should ensure that direct manual voucher postings in respect of POSB payment transactions in F&A module of CSI are not done by the post ofices.

6. It is requested to circulate it to all concerned for information, guidance, and necessary  actions

7. This is issued with the approval of the Competent Authority.

Encl: As above. Yours faithfully

(TC VIJAYAN) Assistant Director (SB-I)

Copy to: -

l. Sr. PPS to Secretary (Posts)

2. PS to Director General Postal Services.

3. PPS/ PS to Addl. DG (Co-ordination)/Member (Banking)Member (O)/Member (P)/ Member (Planning & HRD)/Member (PLI)/Member (Tech)/AS & FA

4. Addl. Director General, APS, New Delhi

5. Chief General Manager, BD Directorate lParcel Directorate / PLI Directorate

6. Sr. Deputy Director General (Vig) & CVO) / Sr. Deputy Director General (PAF)

7. Director, RAKNPA / GM, CEPT / Directors of all PTCs

8. Director General P & T (Audit), Civil Lines, New Delhi

9. Secretary, Postal Services Board / All Deputy Directors General

10. All General Managers (Finance) / Directors Postal Accounts / DDAP

1l. The Under Secretary, MOF (DEA), NS-II Section, North Block, New Delhi.

12. The Joint Director & HOD, National Savings Institute, ICCW Building, 4 Deendayal Upadhyay Marg, New Delhi-l10002

13. All recognized Federations / Unions / Associations

14.ADG (OL) for information and Hindi Translation of SB Order.

15. Guard File/e-File.

(TC VIJAYAN) Assistant Director (SB-I)

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