Revision of Date of joining and preponement of financial ‘upgradation and MACP-I in respect of PAs (CO/RO) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Revision of Date of joining and preponement of financial ‘upgradation and MACP-I in respect of PAs (CO/RO)

Subject: - Revision of Date of joining and preponement of financial ‘upgradation and MACP-I in respect of PAs (CO/RO) O/o CPMG Hyderabad duly taking into account the induction training period at PTC, Madhurai from 29.03.2010 to 15.05.2010 - regarding.

x-4472/2011-SPN-II Government of India Minisiry of Communications Department of Posts (Personnel Division) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Dehli — 110001

Dated: - 15th May, 2023


“The Chief Postmaster General, Telangana Circle, Hyderabad.

Madam Sir,

I am directed to refer to Directorate's communication of even number dated 24,04.2023 (copy enclosed) on the subject mentioned above.

2. The matter has been revised keeping in view of varius insructons issued of Personnel & Training (DOP&T) and Pay Commission Cell (PCC) of the Directorate for the purpose of grant of MACP.

3. Therefore, Competent Authority has decided fo withdraw the instruction issued vide communication of even number dated 24.04.2023 Circe is requested to take necessary action accordingly. Orders, if any, issued by Circle, based on aforesaid dated 24.04.2023, shall be withdrawn by the Circle.

Your faithfully 

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