Restoration of separate distinct category of Supervisor Cadre (General Line) in Postal Department
आल इंडिया एसोसिएशन ऑफ सुपरवाइजर केडर (एक) All India Association of Supervisor Cadre (Gr. B) केंद्रीय मुख्यालय / Central Head Quarter Balveer Singh President 9413159751 Narinder Pal Sanjay Talukdar General Secretary 9483453176 Treasurer 9830884484
To The Hon'ble Secretary (Posts). Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001.
By Regd/email No. AJASC CHQ-40/2022-23 Dated at Hoshiarpur HO the 03.09.2023
Sub: - Restoration of separate distinct category of Supervisor Cadre (General Line)
(1) DTE No. T-15/2/2020-SR dated 24.07.2020
(2) DTE No. T-13/1/2021-SR and Legal-DOP dated 07.02.2022
(3) DTE F.No. T-09/3/2021-SR-DOP dated 21.08.2023
(4) DTE No. T-09/3/2021-SR-DOP dated 22.08.2023
Respected Sir.
With reference on the subject, kindly refer this association series of letters regarding declaring distinct category for Supervisor's Cadre (HSG-II, HSG-1, HSG-1 (NFG)) under CCS (RSA) Rules, 1993 & approve AIASC (Gr. B) CHQ to work for Supervisor Cadre's welfare. As per Directorate letter No. 18/02/2014-SR dated 11.09.2014, it was clarified that as per Rule 5(d) (i) of CCS (RSA) Rules, 1993, membership of the Government Servant shall be automatically discontinued on his/her ceasing to belong to such category. As such, on promotion to the higher grade, an employee will cease to belong to the earlier category and consequently he/she will be ineligible for membership of the association/union to which he/she belonged prior to his/her promotion.
It is pertinent to mention here that this association was allowed to participate in membership verification 2020 vide the Hon'ble DTE letter referred as serial No.1 and again the Hon'ble DTE usked views from Group-Cunions/associations vide letters referred as serial No. 3 & 4 while the Hon'ble DTE itself clarified that Group B category employees (my level 6 to 8) cannot become the member of Group-C. Hence, question of views of Group-C Unions/associations for declaring Supervisor Cadre as distinct does not arise. This is against natural justice. As per Membership Verification 2015, there were 16 unions/associations including Supervisor Association (GL). When there was new & distinct created cadre of Postmaster Cadre 2010 and the same was not allowed to participate in Membership Verification 2015 and after merger of Postmaster Cadre with General Line Supervisor Cadre in 2019, officials of this category are always humiliated & feeling cheased. This category is always in struggle to seek separate platform to raise issues, while rest cadres/categories are enjoying Service Association facilities.
Hence, it is humbly requested that:
2. To declare HSG-II, HSG-1 & HSG-1 (NFG) as Distinct Category in DoP To approve this association CHQ Executive Committee and issue instructions all HoCs for same action at Circle/Region/Divisional Level as per By-Laws constitution of AIASC (Gr. B) and allow deduction of monthly subscriptions of members through DDOS To extend service association facilities to this association also as per DYTE letter referred No.2 till membership ventication.
With profound regards,
1. The DG. Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001. 2. The Director (SR & Legal), Dai, Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 The ADG (SR & Legal), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
3. Camp at: Dy. PM, Hoshiarpur HPO, Punjab, PIN-146001 Website: email:
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