Redeployment of posts to CEPT for implementation of DOP IT Project 2.0
Subject: Redeployment of posts to CEPT for implementation of IT 2.0 Approval of the Postal Services Board (PSB) is hereby conveyed for redeployment of following posts to CEPT for implementation of IT 2.0.
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No. Y-41-14/2023-PE-II Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts Establishment Division (PE-II Section) Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001 Dated: 25th September,2023 ORDER
Sl. Name of Name of the Circle from No. of posts
No. the post where the post is redeployed
1. ASP Tamil Nadu 2
2, ASP Maharashtra 2
3: ASP Telangana 1
4. IP Madhya Pradesh 2
5. IP Andhra Pradesh 1
6. IP Telangana 1
7 1p Gujarat 1
8. IP Tamil Nadu 1
9. IP Odisha 1
10. PA O/o DPLI Kolkata | 80 (Eighty)
2. In addition to above, location relaxation for 3 posts of IP and 10 posts of PA cadre has also been approved, however, these posts are not redeployed to CEPT at present.
3. This order issues with immediate effect and will be effective until the duration of IT 2.0.
(R.N. Bharti)
Director (Establishment)
Copy to:
1. Sr.PPS to Secretary (P)/DG (Postal Services) 2. PPS to all Members of Postal Service Board 3 All concerned CPMsG/ 0/0 DPLI Kolkata - With a request to redeploy the posts immediately and update Establishment register accordingly. A compliance report to be submitted by 27.09.2023 without fail. CGM (PLI) Directorate DDG (P) DDG(Technology) -With reference to letter dated 14.08.2023& 06.09.2023 7. GM CEPT, Bangalore - It is requested to fill up the vacant posts as intimated vide Annexure-II of your letter dated 06.09.2023. 8. The Director (Staff)/ Director (Technology)/Director (SPN)
9. The ADG (PE-1/SCT)/SPN 10. GM, CEPT - with a request to upload the order on website 11. SO Guard file (Prashant Kumar) SO(PE-II)
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