Promotion of Government servants through LDCE against whom disciplinary / criminal prosecution are pending
Subject:-Promotion of Government servants through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) against whom disciplinary / criminal prosecution are pending — reg.
No. X-7/6/2022-SPN-II Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg New Delhi — 110 001 September 22nd 2023
To, a) All Chief Postmasters General, b) Chief General Manager, PLI/ Parcel / BD Directorate ¢) Director RAKNPA / Director of all Postal Training Centres d) Add. Director General, Army Postal Service e) All General Manager (Finance) / Director of Accounts (Postal)
I am directed to refer to Directorate letters of even number dated 17.05.2023 on the above mentioned subject and to convey approval of the Competent Authority for following modification / clarification:-
A. Para 4(g)(ii) of letter of even number dated 17.05.2023 shall be modified as under:- ‘Where this penalty is imposed before applying for LDCE:- Even during the currency period of the penalty, Government servant shall be allowed to apply for appearing in LDCE if otherwise eligible. Both eligibility and currency period of penalty will be examined w.r.t. the crucial date of eligibility. By the time of declaration of results, if the penalty is not modified to any other form of penalty or exoneration, results shall not be declared. However, Covering Note (write up) of LDCE Results should clearly mention — ‘Results of ...(name of the employee)... has not been declared as he/she is not eligible for promotion because of the penalty imposed vide Order No.....dated....... >. If the penalty is modified to any other form of penalty or exonerated, action shall be taken with reference to such modified decision.’
B. In Para-4 (b), (d), (e) & (f) of letter of even number dated 17.05.2023, for the clause “although the official has been declared successful, promotion will be effective after (date to be specified) because of the penalty imposed vide Order No.....dated....... v, following shall be substituted:-
‘although the official has been declared successful, promotion will be effective after currency of the penalty imposed vide Order No.....dated....... é
C. While declaring marks, there is no need of mentioning anything relating to penalty in case of candidates not coming in merit list as they would not be given any promotion. However, if at a later date such a candidate is proposed to be declared as successful for giving promotion, effect of penalty if any shall invariably be mentioned,
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