Postal Officers Hospitality Facilities in the Department of Posts (DOP) for official meetings
Subiect: Provision of hospitality Facilities for various categories of Officers in the Department of Posts (HQ) for official meetings regarding.
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GA-77 /69/2022-GA-DOP l/79255/2023 No.77/69/2O22-GA Government of lndia Ministry ot Communications Department of Posts Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001 , Date: 01.09.2023 OFFICE MEMORANDUM :
It has been decided with the approval of lhe Competent Authority in the Department ot Posts to revise the monthly authorized expenditure entitlement on hospitality for the Officers in Postal Directorate as per following monetary ceilings :(in Rupees)
S.No. |
Rank of Officer |
Entitlement per month (Existing) |
Entitlement per month (Revised) |
1 |
DS/ Director and equivalent (Level 12 & 13) |
Rs.1500/- |
Rs.2500/- |
2 |
ADG and equivalent (Level 11) |
Rs.1000/- |
Rs. 1800/- |
3 |
SO/AD/PS/ACAO /AO /AAO /ASP and equivalent (Level 8,9 & 10) |
Rs.400/- |
Rs.1000/- |
2. The entitled Officers of Postal Directorate may order refreshment (eatables, water, tea, cotfee, snacks, soft drinks etc.) either from the Departmental Canteen (First Floor, Dak Bhawan OR from the Sancharika Cafe (Ground Floor) in a month but not from both in a particular month. The Officers are required to send requisition slips, duly signed and stamped to Departmental Canteen / Sancharika Cafe against their orders of refreshment. Further, the Officers concerned are also requested to certify / verity the monthly bills raised by the Manager Departmental Canteen / Sancharika Cafe so that the payment may be settled accordingly.
3. Responsibilily for observing the limit of ceiling on hospitality shall lie with the respective Officers. In case the expenditure exceeds the prescribed ceiling the same will be borne by the Officer concerned. In no case, there will be any carry forward or left over amount and transfer of amount from one Officer to another and from one calendar month to another in case of any Officer having charge of more than one seat, there should be a single claim for the concerned month in respect of the Officer concerned.
4. This shall be effective from the date of issue of this OM.
5. This issues with concurrence of IFW vide Dy. No. 72/2023-24/FA-CS(P) dated 31.08.2023 and approval ot Secretary (Posts)
Assistant Director General (GA)
Copy to;
1. All entitled Officers in Postal Directorate through e-Office Notice Board.
2. Manager Departmental Canteen/ Sancharika Cafe with request that they collect the requisition slips trom the Officers who place order for supply of refreshment and send the same along wilh the certified monthly bills to C&A/PB Section for payment.
3. SO (C&A,/PB)
4. Guard File
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