GENERAL FINANCIAL RULES (GFR) 2017 Compilation Updated up to 31.07.2023 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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GENERAL FINANCIAL RULES (GFR) 2017 Compilation Updated up to 31.07.2023

GENERAL FINANCIAL RULES (GFR) 2017 amendments compilation Updated up to 31.07.2023.

Download GENERAL FINANCIAL RULES (GFR) 2017 Updated up to 31.07.2023 in PDF


Rule 1 - Short Title and Commencement: These rules may be called General Financial Rules, 2017 and they shall come into force at once and shall be applicable to all Central Government Ministries/Departments, attached and subordinate bodies. The provisions contained in GFRs are deemed to be applicable to Autonomous Bodies except to the extent the bye-laws of an Autonomous Body provides for separate Financial Rules which have been approved by the Government.

Rule 2  Definition: In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires (i) “Accounts Officer” means the Head of an Office of Accounts or the Head of a Pay and Accounts Office set up under the scheme of departmentalization of accounts;

(ii) “Administrator” means Administrator of a Union Territory, by whatever name designated;

(iii) “Appropriation” means the assignment, to meet specified expenditure, of funds included in a primary unit of appropriation;

(iv) “Audit Officer” means the Head of an Office of Audit;

(v) “Competent Authority” means, in respect of the power to be exercised under any of these Rules, the President or such other authority to which the power is delegated by or under these Rules, Delegation of Financial Power Rules or any other general or special orders issued by the Government of India;

(vi) “Comptroller and Auditor General” means the Comptroller and Auditor General of India;

(vii) “Consolidated Fund” means the  Consolidated Fund of India referred to in Article 266 (1) of the Constitution;

(viii) “Constitution” means the Constitution of India;

(ix) “Contingency Fund” means the Contingency Fund of India established under the Contingency Fund of India Act, 1950, in terms of Article 267 (1) of the Constitution;

(x) “Controlling Officer” means an officer entrusted by a Department of the Central Government with the responsibility of controlling the incurring of expenditure and/or the collection of revenue. The term shall include a Head of Department and also an Administrator;

(xi)  “Department of the Government of India” means any of the Ministries, Departments, Secretariats and Offices as notified from time to time and listed in the First Schedule to the Government of India (Allocation of Business Rules);

(xii)  “Drawing and Disbursing Officer” means a Head of Office and also any other Gazetted Officer so designated by aDepartment of the Central Government, Head of Department or an Administrator, to draw bills and make payments on behalf of the Central Government. The term shall also include a Head of Department or an Administrator where he himself discharges such function;

(xiii) “Ministry of Finance” means the Ministry of Finance of the Central Government;

(xiv) “Financial Year” means the year beginning on the 1st of April and ending on the 31st of March following;

(xv) “Government” means the Central Government;

(xvi) “Government Account” means the account relating to the Consolidated Fund, the Contingency Fund and the Public Account; as defined in these rules;

(xvii) “Head of the Department’’ means an authority or person (not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India), declared by the concerned Department in the Government of India as a Head of Department in relation to an identifiable establishment or establishments to exercise the delegated financial powers under these Rules;

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