Ganesh Chaturthi (Vinayak Chaturthi) Festival Holiday on 18th September 2023 | CCGEW writes to DOPT to change Holiday
North Avenue New Delhi-110001 Website: www. confederationha.
Email: President; Rupak Sarkar Secretary Generat: S.B. Yadav Ref: Conf. Holiday/2023 Dated - 14.09.2023
The Deputy Secretary, Government of India, Ministry of personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, (Department of Personnel & Training) New Delhi-110001
Sub: Holiday on Ganesh Chaturthi (Vinayak Chaturthi) ~reg.
It is to bring to your kind notice that as per the notification of DOPT on the list of holidays to be observed, the Central Government Employees Welfare Coordination Committees of Karnataka, AP, Telengana , Tamil Nadu & Puducherry have notified Holiday on 19-9-23 for Ganesh Chaturthi (Vinayak Chaturth), whereas the respective State Governments of above state's have declared Holiday on 18-9-23 for the festival, going by the local panchang (Calendar).
As per para 5.2 of the DOPT circular on holiday's, " For office's outside Delhi/New Delhi, the Central Government Employees Welfare Coordination Committees at the State Capitals are authorised to change the date of holida if necessary, based on the decision of the concerned state Government's/Union territories, in respect of idu'l Fitr, [du Zuha, Muharram and Id-c-Milad ". This provision may kindly be extended in matter of other festivals too.
The Confederation of CG Employees and worker's request you to kindly relax /extend the provision contained in para 5.2 of circular on holiday's for other festivals too, so that the CGE Welfare Coordination Committees of Karnataka, AP, Telengana , Tamil Nadu & Puducherry may pre pone the notified Holiday from 19-08-2023 to 18-09-2023 For the festival of Ganesh Chaturthi (Vinayak Chaturthi), as notified by the State Governments of Karnataka, AP, Telengana and Tamil Nadu & Puducherry.
With regards, Yours Sincerely (S.B Yadav) Secretary General
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