Deployment of RICT devices and roll out of DARPAN app in Branch Post Offices (BOs) under IT 2.0
Subject: Deployment of RICT devices and roll out of DARPAN 2.0 app in Branch Post Offices under IT 2.0-reg.
F.No. 13-01/2O23-RB Government of India Ministry of communications Department of Posts (RB & Planning Division) Dak Bhawan, New Delhi- 1 10001 Dated: 26.09.2023
To, All CPMsG
This is regarding depioyment of RICT device and ro11 out of unified DARPAN app in all BOs under IT 2.0.
2. In this connection, kindly hnd enclosed a copy of checklist /questionnaire for successful roll out of DARPAN android app' The checklist is indicative and Circles may modify it as per their requirements. The enclosed checklist may be circulated to all Postal Divisions for needful action.
3. Further, application installation, being a one-time activity, may be done in Divisional office or IPPB branch, where adequate bandwidth availability may be ensured. Devices may be taken to BOs after application loading.
4. This issues with approval of the Competent Authority.
Encl: as above (M S Zou) ADG (RB & Planning)
DARPAN Roll out-Checklist
1. Name of the Division
2. No. of Existing BOs
3. No. of B.Os proposed to opened
4 .Total No. of BOs
5. No. of BPMs updated as per Darpan portal
6. No. of Substitute updated as per Darpan Portal
7. Total BPMs/Substitute updated
8. Pending BPMs/Substitute details to be updated
9. No.of BPMs / Substitutes whose aadhaar linked Mobile No. has been updated correctly.
10. How many BPMs are having IPPB Mobile in working condition and SIM Active which will be adjusted against new mobiles.
11. How manv BPMs / substitutes require SIM to supplied
12. How manv KYC Document of BPMs / Substitute BPM has been obtained as on date
13. How manv SIMs have been received for supply to BPMs / Substitutes
14. How manv BPMs / Substitutes BPMs have been trained in Dak Karmayogi Portal online
15. How many BPMs / Substitute BPMs have been trained in Dak Karmayogi off line Physical training.
16. How many biometric devices received.
17. How many biometric devices yet to be received.
18. How many BOs for which BO establishment details i.e. minimum and maximum cash has been updated and confirmed as per the report in darpan portal
19. No.of BOs having discrepancy in opening balance.
20. How many discrepancies have been reported to GM PAF for settlement
21. How manv BOs are readv for migration.
22. How many Mobiles in which MOM and all the DOP / IPPB software downloaded.
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