Change of Holiday for performing Ganesh Chaturthi festival to 18th September (Monday) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Change of Holiday for performing Ganesh Chaturthi festival to 18th September (Monday)

Sub: Change of Holiday for performing  Ganesh Chaturthi festival to 18th September (Monday ).

COC/ Karnataka/ 2023/12  :                       Dated 13/09/2023


The Secretary General

Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers

New Delhi


                The Ganesh Chaturthi festival is an important festival of south and western parts of our country especially in Karnataka state. The actual festival date is falling on 18th September 2023 (Monday ) , the Central Government Welfare Coordination Committee Bengaluru has declared the holiday for  Ganesh Chaturthi on 19th September 2023 ( Tuesday ) as per the DoPT guidelines .

            The Karnataka state Government has declared holiday for Karnataka state Government employees on 18th September (Monday )  for performing  Ganesh Chaturthi festival.

             Since the festival is fast approaching it is requested to take up with DoPT and declare a holiday on 18th September 2023. There should be flexibility in declaration of holidays as per local conditions  

The DoPT circular on holidays list clause 5.2 is as follows “For offices outside Delhi / New Delhi, the Central Government Employees Welfare Coordination Committees at the State Capitals are authorised to change the date of holiday, if necessary, based on the decision of the concerned State Governments / Union Territories, in respect of dulFitr, IdulZuha, Muharram and Id-e-Milad” .

This clause of 5.2 should be modified and should be extended to all festivals as per local conditions.

Please take up this matter on priority.

Comradely yours

(G.Janakiram )                         (P.S.Prasad)

General Secretary                    President

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