Appointment of Shri Rajinder Kumar Kashyap. IPoS/1989 as Administrative Member in the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT)
No.A-11013/4/2022-AT Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions. Department of Personnel and Training (AT-Division) Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market. New Delhi, dated: 31st August, 2023
The President is pleased to appoint Shri Rajinder Kumar Kashyap. IPoS/1989 as Administrative Member in the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) in the pay scale of Rs 2,25,000/- (fixed) for a period of 04 years from the date of assumption of charge of the post, or till attaining the age of 67 years, or unt futher orders, whichever is earier.
2. The conditions of service of Shri Rajinder Kumar Kashyap as Administrative Member in the Central Administrative Tribunal shall be governed by the provisions of the Tribunals. Reforms Act. 2021 and Rules framed there-under. as amended from time 10 time.
3. Shri Rajinder Kumar Kashyap is advised to join CAT, Mumbai Bench within 30 days from the date of issue of this order failing which the above appointment shal be treated as. canceled.
4. This issues in compliance with the order of the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet vide communication No 6/12/2023-EO (SM.II)) dated 29.08.2023
(S. D. Sharma) Joint Secretary to the Govt. of India Tel. No.011- 23003668
1. Shri Rajinder Kumar Kashyap, H.No.D-3, Tower-10, New Moti Bagh, New Delhi 110023.
2. Prime Minister's Office , New Delhi (Shri Hrisheekesh Arvind Modak, Director)
3. Cabinet Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi (Ms. Kavita Singh, Joint Secretary).
4. Additional Secretary & FA, MHA/ Department of Personnel & Training, New Delhi
5. The Establishment Officer, Govemment of India, Department of Personnel and Training, Noth Block, New Delhi with reference to their Communication No.6/12/2023-0 (SMI) dated 20.08.2023
6. The Principal Registrar, Central Administrative Tribunal, Principal Bench, Copernicus Marg, New Delhi-110001
7. The Joint Registrar, Central Administrative Tribunal, Mumbai Bench.
8. FA&CAO, Central Administrative Tribunal, Principal Bench, Copernicus Marg, New Delhi-110001
9. Guard fle.
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