AIAIPASP Association List of issues to be taken up with Postal Directorate 2023
We are happy that our main issues viz. Upgradation of GP of IP from ₹ 4200/- ₹ 4600/-, cadre restructuring, Grant of GP ₹ 5400/- to the officers who worked four years in GP ₹4800/- etc are settled even though the following issues seem to be taken with administration for smoothing working of sub divisions etc.
1. Limit of High value withdrawals verification needs to be raised at least to 25k as it is the BPM's limit or discontinue it all together.
2. Establishment norms were made in 1972, revised norms based on current workload is required.
3. Discontinuation of Genl-6.
4. Mail Overseer engagement from clerical cadre.
5. Revision of the visit questionnaire of Mail Overseer on par with inspection questionnaire.
6. Dispensing with the cent percent verifications of BO accounts etc.
7. Grant of Financial and Administrative powers to ASPs, as they are also Gazetted Officers.
8. Grant of Financial and Administrative powers to Sub Divisional Heads.
9. Revision of FSC of Sub Divisional Heads from Rs. 400/- to Rs. 2000/-.
10. Grant GP ₹ 4800/- and ₹ 5400/- to ASPs and PS Gr B officers respectively from 1.1.2006
I hope our CHQ will take up these vital issues with the Directorate through correspondence and also through periodical meetings till its settlement in our favour.
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