Unified DARPAN Android Mobile App Version v1.0.16 Enhancements
Enhancements in Unified DARPAN Android Mobile App 1.0.16 (UDA App), which is going to be released on 29th August 2023. 57 Branch Post Offices which have already gone live with Unified DARPAN Mobile App will work on this new updated version from tomorrow.
1. Pay Roll option available under mail operations screen, BPM can use this Pay Roll option to check/print their payslip.
2. VPMO booking linked with the respective VP article delivered. Whenever VPL/VPP articles delivered, VPMO needs to be booked through eMO booking option by selecting the “VPMO” from the message code dropdown menu. Then Select respective article number of the VP delivered. VPMO value cannot be edited. If VPMO is not booked for any VP delivered, the day end cannot be done.
3. In Data Entry option provided for CSC, DCUBE, Others (Postage due collected, any other receipts at BO).
4. COD/VPL/VPP/EMO were removed from Bulk delivery option. It should be invoiced separately and delivered.
5. EMO won’t be available in invoice deposit articles option. Every day BPM has to invoice emo and deliver/un-deliver all received/deposit emos separately.
6. Stamp sales and inventory report data updation issues resolved and report will show updated data any time.
7. Aadhaar OTP and Biometric options are not available for the login now.
8. Any accountable article (RL/SP/PL) which are kept in deposit beyond 7 days will be available in the list of articles to be closed in the Bag close menu along with articles booked and RTS articles.
9. Delete old Data option available under mail operations, if storage related problems found in future. This option can be used to clear the old data beyond 45 days. Option need not be used on daily basis. Option to be performed after day end.
10. Option for sending SMS of Booking receipt has been provided in case Customer requests for SMS or any issue in receipt print.
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