Proposal (Proforma) for retention of temporary GDS post in Post Office (DOP) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Proposal (Proforma) for retention of temporary GDS post in Post Office (DOP)

Sub:  Download Proposal for retention of temporary GDS post in PDF– reg.

             The due periodical review of  the establishment of   ______________I  DSO  has been carried out on the basis of verified statistics.   The SO statistics and value returns for the months of Sep.21, Dec.21, Mar.22, June.22 and the delivery statistics  and MTS Gr.C statistics for the period from 13.6.2022 to 18.06.2022 had been collected  and verified by IP, _______________ Sub Dn.,  The result of review are as follows:-


I. Delivery     :   Staff hours          : 05:00:00

                            Work hours         : 04:11:12

               Excess staff hours          :  00-48-48 

               Sanctioned strength        :  One post of  Dak Sevak ( Then MD). 

               No revision is required.


II. MTS Gr.C :   Staff hours            :  04:00:00

                            Work hours           : 02:10:00

                      Excess staff  hours   :   01:50:00              

                Sanctioned strength         :  One post of  Dak Sevak ( Then  MP). 

               No revision is required. 



At present,  the following GDS are working in this SO.


Name of the post

Name of the GDS


Date of appointment



Sakthi Supriya K




Mariappan E




 IV       The present TRCA of DS-I (MP)  : Slab -1, Level -1, Rs.10000-24470

           The work load of DS(MP) =.02:10:00

           Hence, eligible TRCA is Level -1 Rs.10000-24470.


IV (i)    The present TRCA of DS-II (MD)  : Slab -1, Level -1, Rs.10000-24470

           The work load of DS-I (MD)) = 04:11:12

           Hence, eligible TRCA is Level -2 Rs.12000-29380.


V.   Temporary posts:                                                                                                                                                   


          The Dak Sevak posts are temporary posts.  The Dak Sevak posts are retained upto 31.05.2021.

             The proposal for retention of Dak Sevak posts for the period from 01.06.2021 to 31.05.2024  has to be submitted to RO.

SPOs orders are solicited to the followings:-


A)    The result of review may pps be submitted to RO along with the copy of verified statistics and work load calculation sheets.

     B)   The proposal for retention of GDS post  may pps be submitted  to RO.

C)    The TRCA to the post of DS-I  may pps be retained  in  Level-1 Rs.10000-24470

for The TRCA to the post of DS-II  may pps be revised from  Level-1 Rs.10000-24470 to Level-2 Rs.12000-29380 for the period from 01.08.2023 to 31.05.2024.


FFO Please.

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