Processing of NPS subscriber modification requests by CRA Instead of POP: New Guidelines 2023 issued

By Admin

CRA (NSDL/Protean) has informed that As per their discussions with PFRDA,  It has informed that Subscriber details Modification requests pertaining to Name, Date of Birth, Mobile Number and email ID  will be executed by CRA w.e.f. July 15,2023 instead of POP (India Post). processing of subscriber modification requests by CRA.


Details of three fields – Name, DOB, DOR – will be updated by CRA. Option to modify these details by POP has been disabled.

Ø  Contact details -Email ID and Mobile Number - can be modified by POP.  However, if required such requests (Mobile, email ID) can be modified through CRA as well.

Ø  Process for submission of requests to CRA:

ü  Requests to be submitted to CRA on the email ID

ü  Subscriber request needs to be duly verified and authorized by the POP

ü  Requests to be forwarded from the POPs office (centralized)

ü  Email to be sent from POP’s Compliance Officer’s email ID.

§  Else, the compliance officer may nominate any official or specify an email ID from which such requests will be submitted to CRA.


In order to process the requests without time lag, request you to update the compliance officer/Nodal officer’s details in the CRA system.


Details of documents required for the updation of details is mentioned below:


Sl No

NPS Modification Request

Documents Required


Subscriber Name

Completely filled S2 form Signed by subscriber and attested by POP with relevant document from competent authority such as Name change Certificate, Marriage Certificate etc.


Date of Birth

Completely filled S2 form Signed by subscriber and attested by POP with relevant Identity Proof such as PAN Card, Aadhaar Card, etc.


Date of Retirement


Email from POP specifying DOR Update (POP to exercise the due diligence for obtaining the correct DOR from the corporate)


Mobile Number & Email ID


Completely filled S2 form signed by subscriber and attested by POP.

In case of any further assistance, you may write an email to us on



Warm Regards,

Protean eGov Technologies Limited


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