NSP1 Links Bandwidth Upgradation to minimum 2 Mbps (MPLS/VPNoBB) in DOP (Post Offices) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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NSP1 Links Bandwidth Upgradation to minimum 2 Mbps (MPLS/VPNoBB) in DOP (Post Offices)

Sub: Upgradation of bandwidth of NSP-1 links to minimum 2 Mbps (MPLS/VPNoBB)

Download NSP1 Bandwidth Upgradation to minimum 2 Mbps in PDF

File No. Tgy-51/9/2022-Technology-DoP Department of Posts (Technology Division) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg New Delhi - 110 001 Dated: July 2023

References have been received from the Circles and Parcel Directorate regarding challenges being faced by field units (Post Offices and Mail Offices) in handling operations due to low network bandwidth. The matter has been examined in consultation with BSNL.

In-principle approval for bandwidth upgradation of NSP-1 Links (MPLS and VPNoBB) to minimum 2 mbps has been conveyed to BSNL for its immediate implementation. Further, bandwidth upgradation of NSP1 MPLS link at DC & DR has also been carried out from existing 1 gbps to 2 gbps to tide over the problems being faced by the field units.

BSNL has also issued directions, vide letter dt. 24.7.2023 (copy enclosed), to their Telecom Circles regarding providing directions to the BSNL field units for urgent upgradation of existing lower bandwidths MPLS links (<2 mbps) of the Department of Posts (DOP) to 2 mbps. Directions for upgradation of VPNoBB links is also being issued by BSNL.

It is requested to monitor the bandwidth upgradation activity in coordination with BSNL and submit line of confirmation to this office.

Bijaraniya Date: 31-07-2023 17:51:45

Copy to:

DGM (EB NCR-I), Enterprise Business NCR-I Cell, O/o CGM (CN-Tx North), Kidwai Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi-110001 for information and take the required sign-off from the concerned units as confirmation of bandwidth upgradation.

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