Dhai Akhar letter writing competition 2023 | India Post Letter Writing Competition on Digital India for New India 2023-24 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Dhai Akhar letter writing competition 2023 | India Post Letter Writing Competition on Digital India for New India 2023-24

Dhai Akhar National Level Letter Writing Competition 2023-24 on the topic Digital India for New India:

Download Digital India for New India Letter Writing Competition 2023 in PDF

Department of Posts (DOP) is organizing the Dhai Akhar Letter Writing Competition at National Level on the theme "Digital India for New India”. Desirous participants may participate in the campaign.

The Details of the Dhai Akhar Letter Writing Campaign 2023-24 are as under.

(I) Dhai Akhar letter writing competition 2023 General Conditions

* The campaign wil be conducted from 01 August to 31st October. Letters posted after 31st October of the year will not be accepted

* Topic for the letter wriing of Dhai Akhar 2023-24 will be “Digital India for New India”

* Digital India for New India" is a slogan that encapsulates the vision of leveraging digital technologies to drive India's progress and transformation

*The letter can be written in English or Hindi or any Vernacular and will be addressed to Chief Postmaster General of the respective Circle. The details of Chief Postmaster General of different Circles are available at https://www.indiapost.gov.in/VAS/Pages/DirectoryOfEmployees aspx?Category=Heads%20of%20Circles

* The competition will be in the following categories:

(i) Up to 18 years:

(a) Inland Letter Card Category

(b) Envelope Category

(ii) Above 18 years: -

(a) Inland Letter Card Category

(b) Envelope Category

* The embossed envelope envelope with stamp affixed for plain A4 size paper letter and the Inland Letter Card (ILC) will be the permitted stationery

* The letter can be witien on plain A size paper with a word limit of not more than 1000 words, or in an Inland Letter Card (ILC) (not more than 500 words)

* Letter must be hand written and in any case, no typed letter will be accepted

(II) Dhai Akhar letter writing competition 2023 Eligibility

Any citizen of India can participate in this compelition. There is no minimum or maximum age prescribed for participation. Any cilizen of India can participate in respective category according o hisier choice and age. The participants have to give a certificate of their age on the letter such as “I certify that I am below/above the age of 18 as on 01/01/2023". In case of winning entries, the age and other ID certificates wil be verified by the respective circle before sending the best three entries in each category to Directorate.

(III) Dhai Akhar letter writing competition 2023 Selection Procedure

The best 03 (three) entries in each category wil be shortlisted by every Circle and prize will be awarded 1o these 03 enties al Circe level. These best 03 entries of each category  (12 in all) chosen at Circle level wil be sent to the Directorate for further evaluation of final best 03 entries in each category at the National Level.

(IV) Dhai Akhar letter writing competition 2023 Prize

Circle Level Category

* First prize in each category (4 Nos. )     : Rs. 25,000/-

* Second prize in each category (4 Nos)   : Rs.10,000/-

* Third prize in each category (4nos.)       : Rs. 5,000/-

National Level Category

* First prize in each category(4 Nos)          : Rs. 50,000/-

* Second prize in each category (4 Nos)    : Rs. 25,000/-

* Third prize in each category (4 Nos)       : Rs. 10,000/-

For more information, Sr. Superintendent/Superintendent of the Postal Divisions. can be contacted. The delails of these officers are available at https: indiapost gov inVAS/Pages/RTI/RTL.aspx under list of CPIOs.

sd/- Director (Philately)


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