Circulars/orders uploaded on India Post website shall be deemed to be Circulated among postal employees (DOP)
File No.Z-92011/1/2018-Coord./O and M Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,New Delhi- 110001 Dated 12th December, 2018
To, 1. All CPMsG, 2. Director, RAKNPA, Ghaziabad, 3. Directors, all PTCs.
Subject: Uploading of orders/ circulars on India Post Website- reg.
Circulars issued by this office about rulings and other orders reach circle offices, regional offices, divisional offices, sub-divis.onal offices and further to concerned officers/ officials and to Post Offices by post through HOs, SOs and BOs and this process takes lot of time.
2. These circulars and orders are uploaded on India Post website also. However, in in some cases involving enquiry of fraud, the charged officials argued that they have not seen the orders for it has not reached to their office, although it was uploaded on India Post website.
3. Therefore, all circulars issued by various Divisions of Department of Posts concerning rulings and other orders [in English and Hindi] may be sent to O/o GM (CEPT) for uploading on India Post website.
4. Circulars/orders uploaded on India Post website shall be deemed to have been seen by all concerned and the message be notified through CSI
5. This issues with the approval of competent authority.
Assistant Director General (Admin.)
1. All Members (Postal Services Board)
2. CGM (BD) / CGM (PLI) / CGM (Parcel Dte.)/ All Sr. DDG
3. All DDsG
5. C.E (Civil) /CEPT (Mysore)
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