Charter for Financial Adviser (CFA) 2023 for Procurement and Contract
Subject: DOP (India Post) Post Office Charter for Financial Advisers - reg.
3-1/2022-FA(P) Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (Integrated Finance Wing) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001 Dated: 07.08.2023
Please find enclosed herewith the new "Charter for Financial Advisers" received from DoE vide OM No 23(3)/E. Coord/2018 dated 13.06.2023(annexed).
2. The contents of this charter are brought to your notice for necessary action.
3. The following issues which are applicable to you are to be scrupulously followed :
a) For procurement and contract, it has been specifically mentioned that in all procedures, payments under approved contracts shall not require IFD consultalion except in cases where the payments are in relaxation/variation to approved contract conditions (Para 19). Further payment to vendors/personnel/consultants etc as per approved contract (refer to Negative List at Annexure-III) should not be again referred to the Financial Adviser.
b) Para 18.9 of the Charter specifies the maintcnance of Asset Register (in the prescribed proforma) regarding physical assets as well as an account of all financial assets. Circle IFAs should supervise the building up of such records and their ongoing upkeep.
c) Para 21 of the Charter specifies the list of matters, which shall not be decided without consultation of FA (positive list- Annexure II) and list of matters which shall not be referred to the FA (negative list-Annexure III)' Regarding matters which fall under neither list, FA consultation is required if the matter has a financial bearing.
d) Para 24 of the Chafter specifies the '3' categories of advice tendered by FAs(FC/FO/NF), which are to be clearly mentioned in the final note on any matter.
e) Para 37 of the Charter specifies that norms are to be fixed in order to ensure promptness, which shall be'5'working days for initial action/any reference, '15; working days for final opinion/any reference and 90 % of the cases shall be disposed wiihin the prescribed norms (unless otherwise fixed by CIFA with justification). The timelines so fixed by CIFA must be shared with CPMG concerned.
f) A monthly DO on the activities of Ministry/Departmentin the prescribed format is to be submitted by the AS & FA to Secretary (Expenditure), MoF, GoI by 15th day of the following month in the format provided at Annexure V. on similar lines, a monthly DO is to be submitted to AS & FA by the Circle IFA, i.e., GM(Finance)/ DA(P) as the case may be; and the proforma for submission of this DO is enclosed with this letter.
g) In view of (f) above, the present quarterly IFA report sent by the CIFA to AS & FA is hereby discontinued.
4. This issues with the approval of AS & FA.
Encl: AA Director (FA)
All GMs (Finance)/All Directors of Accounts (Postal)/All IFAs of Postal Directorate for necessary action.
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