SSC CHSL 2021 Allocation of Cadre & Division/Unit for appointment as Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant (PA/SA)
R&E/2-1/ADR/2021 I/76801/2023 DEPARTMENT OF POSTS 0/0 The Chief Postmaster General. Karnataka Circle, Bengaluru-560 001ō With Entrv / Email
1) The Postmaster General, North Karnataka Region, Dharwad-580001.
2) The Postmaster General, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001.
3) The Postmaster General, Bengaluru HQ Region, Bengaluru-560001.
No. R&E/2-1/ADR/2021 dated @ Bengaluru-560001, the 25-07-2023
Based on the results of Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) Examination 2021 conducted by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) and sponsoring of selected candidates for appointment as Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant in Department of Posts, in Level 4 of the Pay matrix, Directorate vide its letter No. W-04/6/2023-SPN-I-DOP dated 18-07-2023. has allotted 127 candidates to Karnataka Postal Circle based on merit and preference of Circle for taking further action for completion of other procedural requirements.
2. The selected candidates allotted to Karnataka Postal Circle have been further allotted to the cadres and division/unit through online mode on the basis of his/her merit(rank), order of preference(option) and vacancy available at his/her turn in the category he/she has been selected . A copy of Cadre/Division wise allotment list is enclosed as Annexure-I.
3. PWD candidates have been allocated fo cadres and divisions / units first, followed by Ex-Serviceman candidates. Remaining candidates have been allocated to cadres and division/units afterwards. One excess horizontal VH reservation has been filled up in Postal Assistant cadre due to non-availability of OBC vacancy in Sorting Assistant cadre as VH candidate allotted belongs to OBC category. In view of this, One PwD (VH) horizontal reservation remains unfilled in Sorting Assistant cadre. Therefore, One VH reservation allotted in excess in Postal Assistant cadre may be adjusted as per roster and unfilled horizontal reservation (one VH) in Sorting Assistant cadre may be carried forward to next recruitment year as per the recruitment rules / DoPT guidelines.
4. The candidates have been allocated to Divisions, as per merit vis a vis order of preference exercised by the candidate subject to availability of vacancy in a Division, by treating Circle as a whole even though the vacancies were calculated Division-wise, as per Para 11 of the guidelines on cadre management of PA/SA issued vide Directorate letter dated 31-12-2021. All such candidates who have not given any order of preference have been allocated to cadres, Divisions / Unit subject to availability of vacancy in the category he/she has been selected after allocation of posts to all other candidates as mentioned who have exercised their option, at tlie discretion of the competent authority which is final.
5. Immediate action for appointment of the selected candidates allotted to the division/unit may be taken by the concerned divisional heads as per the instructions contained in DOPT OM NO.18011/2(s)/2016-Estt(B)( i) dated 29/6/2016, DOPT OM No 36011/1/2012-Estt(Res) dated 14/03/2016 (reiterated in DDG( Personnel) DO letter No 04-2/2017-SPB-I dated 2/2/2018) and DOPT OM No1259494-Estt(D) dated 9/8/2017 circulated vide this office letter No. STA/33-2/Rlgs dated 9/2/2018.
6. While issuing provisional offer of appointment, the candidate may be asked to produce the originals of educational certificates and other documents such as caste certificate, Ex-serviceman certificate, persons with disability certificate, certificate of date of birth etc. on the day of reporting/joining.
7. It is also directed that following documents/particulars of the candidate(s) may please be checked thoroughly at the time of joining:
a) Certificate regarding Date of Birth.
b) Certificate relating to Essential Qualification as on date prescribed in the notice of the examination.
c) SC/ST/OBC/EWS/ESM/PWD certificate, if any, issued by the Competent authority in the prescribed format approved by the Government of India.
d) In respect of OBC candidate, the extant guidelines regarding non creamy layer status be strictly followed.
e) The genuineness of OBC certificate indicating non creamy layer status issued by the prescribed authorities need to be verified in case of OBC candidate(s) who have been selected on provisional basis.
f) The eligibility of the candidate(s) whose candidature has been kept provisional for reason other than OBC status should be verified.
g) Certificates / Identity Card issued by the concerned District Sainik Board and discharge certificate issued by eoncerned Army / Navy / Airport authorities in respect of ex-servicemen.
h) Frequently asked Questions (FAQs) on reservation to Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) in posts / services under Central Government issued by DoPT vide 0.M No. 43011/11/2022-Estt-Res-II dated 19-09-2022 may be referred for verification of EWS certificate.
i) Candidates claim in respect of age relaxation, if any.
j) Candidate’s result, Rank, category etc may be checked with the result available on the Staff Selection Commission's website,
k) Valid Photo ID proof.
l) Photograph, Signature, LTI and Handwriting taken on Admission Certificates (Commission’s Copy) and documents obtained at different stages of examination need to be verified with those the candidate(s) may actually submit at the time of joining the service.
m) Photograph of the candidate captured at the time of Computer Based Examination (all Tiers/Stages), Skill Test (if applicable) and Document verification have been provided in the candidate’s dossier. These Photographs may be matched with each other as well as with the candidate who is offered the appointment.
n) In case of any suspicion in the candidature of the candidate, the same may be referred to the Commission through Circle Office immediately. In case, the offer of appointment has already been issued the case may be referred to the appropriate authorities like Central Forensic Science Laboratory (CFSL).-
8. In addition, pre-appointment formalities such as verification of Character and Antecedent Verification & Medical Examination etc. of the candidate(s) may also be completed as per the extant Rules and Regulations of the Government. The originals may be verified on the day of reporting/joining by the appointing authority who will have the liberty to get the documents verified from the issuing authorities. However, thé appointment shall not be kept on hold on the ground that any such document appears to be suspicion.
9. The offer of appointment should be issued on or before 31- 07-2023 and sent by registered post and e-mail. If the letters are returned undelivered, the letter alongwith the envelopes containing remarks made by the concerned delivery post office should be retained for record. In such cases, a copy of the offer of appointment should be sent to the permanent address and email id of the candidates. The dossiers of such candidates should be returned to this office (through the concerned RO only), only if the second letter/mail is also undelivered/unanswered respectively along with dossiers of candidates who refused to join if any. Copy of offer letters need not be endorsed to this office.
10. All pre-appointment formalities may be completed by 20-08-2023 and kept ready for issue of provisional appointment orders during next Rozgar Mela as per the directions of this office.
11. In cases where offer of appointment has been sent to the candidate(s) and candidate(s) has sought extension of time of joining the post, the same may be considered with the guidelines contained in DOPT OM No. 9/23/71-Estt.(D) dated 06-06-1978 and OM No. 35015/2/93-Estt. (D) dated 09-08-1985.
12. Copy of the individual provisional appointment order issued only, may be endorsed to Circle Office. In case where offer of appointment is cancelled by the Division /Unit, full facts thereof should be intimated to Circle Office through concerned Regional Office. Further, after completion of the appointment process, a consolidated report containing the names of candidates appointed, number of candidates refused to join and number of candidates who did not respond to offer of appointment may be sent to Circle office for reporting to Directorate/SSC.
13. The provisional offer of appointment as well as the provisional appointment order shall clearly specify that the appointment of selected candidates is provisional and subject to completion of formalities like verification of all records (certificates of educational qualification, community etc )and Medical examination from Competent Medical Officer and other verifications prescribed in the rules. If any information or document submitted by the candidate is found incorrect at a later stage which would have rendered him/her ineligible for appearing in the CHSL, Examiantion-2021, he/she shall be terminated from the service.
14. In case of any doubt or suspicion as regards to the eligibility or otherwise in respect of any of the recommended candidate, the Division/Unit may write to Staff Section, Circle Office (through concerned region) even after his/her appointment giving details for taking up with SSC for getting such case(s) investigated through appropriate government Agency.
15. In respect of the candidates who have been selected to the posts of PA (CO/RO), Staff Section of Circle Office will take further action.
16. The dossiers of the selected candidates (division wise) are sent herewith for further action which has to be retained as part of the personal file(s) of the candidate(s) concerned.
17. The Director, PTC, Mysuru will arrange to prepare the schedule for training in consultation with Circle/Regional offices and impart the training to the selected candidates.
18. The receipt of this letter together with the dossiers may kindly be acknowledged to the under signed, immediately.
This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
Signed by Tankasala Rama Sudhakara RaoDate: 25-07-2023 17:57:52Reason: Approved Encl: As above. (T Rama Sudhakara Rao) Assistant Director (R & E) 0/0 the Chief Postmaster General /Bengaluru-560001
A copy of this letter is also issued to:-
1) The Director PTC, Mysuru-570010 for information and necessary action w.r.t para 17.
2) Staff Section, Circle Office for taking similar action in respect of candidates allocated to PA (CO/RO) cadre and necessary action point no. 15 above.
3) Official Language Section, Circle Office for providing Hindi version of this letter. Office Copy.
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