SSC CGL Exam 2022 Inspector Post (IP) Postal Circle Option/Preference Submission is called by Postal Department (DOP)
Subject: Calling for Option/Preference of Postal Circle from candidates recommended by Staff Selection Commission for appointment as Inspector Posts in Department of Posts through Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2022.
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X-07/12/2022-SPN-II-DOP Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (Personnel Division) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg New Delhi – 110 001 Dated: 06th July, 2023 OFFICE MEMORANDUM
On the basis of the results of Combined Graduate Level Examination (CGLE), 2022, Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has recommended 97 candidates for appointment as Inspector Posts in Department of Posts.
2. Recommended candidates will be allocated to one of the 08 Postal Circles, for appointment as Inspector of Posts. Thereafter, the concerned Postal Circle will take further action for appointment/posting of the recommended candidates. Following criteria shall be adopted for allocation of Postal Circles to candidates:
a. A candidate shall be allocated to a Postal Circle on the basis of her/ his merit (rank), order of preference (option), and vacancy available at her/ his turn.
b. Person with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) candidates, irrespective of their ranks will be allocated Postal Circle first, subject to availability of vacancy in order of preference of Postal Circles submitted by them;
c. After allocation of Circles to PwBD candidates, remaining candidates will be allocated Postal Circles in the manner mentioned in(a) above.
d. All such candidates who do not give any order of preference or give limited preference and are not allocated to any of the Postal Circle mentioned in their limited preference shall be allocated to Postal Circles randomly subject to availability of vacancy, after allocation of circles to all other candidates.
3. Vacancy position in the cadre of Inspector Posts is enclosed as Annexure-I. The candidates are requested to provide their order of preference for allocation to Postal Circle in the format enclosed as Annexure-II. The candidate who does not provide order of preference or provide limited preference will be at disadvantageous position, as they will be allocated in terms of provisions at para 2(d) above. Therefore, candidates are requested to provide order of preference for all the Postal Circles mentioned in Annexure I.
4. Option once exercised shall be final and candidates will be allocated to Postal Circles as per criteria noted in para 2 above. Request for revision of order of preference or change of Postal Circle once allocated, shall not be entertained under any circumstances
5. All candidates are requested to indicate their order of preference for Postal Circle in the manner outlined in Annexure-II. The duly filled-in option form (Annexure II) must be sent to this office by e-Mail at and and through Speed Post latest by 1700 Hrs on 17.07.2023 failing which it would be presumed that the candidate has no preference for Postal Circle and he/she will be allocated to a Postal Circle as per criteria for allocation. The
subject of the email should be CGLE IP 2022: Roll No. followed by Name of the
Enclosure : Annexure - I & II
(Dileep Singh Sengar)
Assistant Director General (SPN)
Copy to:
Portal upload team, CEPT with request to upload this OM on India Post website for wide publicity amongst candidates.
OM No. X-07/12/2022-SPN-II-DOP dated 06.07.2023
Vacancy position for allocation of candidates recommended for appointment as Inspector Posts through Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2022 conducted by Staff Selection Commission
Sl. No. |
Name of Postal Circle |
Vacancy |
1 |
Gujarat |
12 |
2 |
Jammu & Kashmir |
1 |
3 |
Madhya Pradesh |
12 |
4 |
Maharashtra |
22 |
5 |
North East |
12 |
6 |
Odisha |
13 |
7 |
Tamil Nadu |
11 |
8 |
Uttarakhand |
4 |
Total |
97 |
The Assistant Director General (SPN),
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110 001.
Subject: Submission of Option/Preferences of Postal Circle from candidates nominated by Staff Selection Commission for appointment as Inspector Posts in Department of Posts through Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2022
With reference to instructions contained in Department of Posts Letter No. X-07/12/2022-SPN-II-DOP dated 06.07.2023 and vacancy position as per Annexure - I to the said letter, I hereby exercise following option/orderof reference for allocation of Postal Circl
Name of the Circle (As per Annexure I to letter no. X07/12/2022-SPN-II-DOP dated 06.07.2023)
Signature of the Candidate with date Name of the Candidate: Father's/Husband’s Name: Roll No.: CGLE, 2022 Rank: E-Mail ID & Mobile Number:
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