Revised CGHS room rent for empanelled AYUSH Hospitals (HCOs- Health Care Organizations)
Subject: Revision of room rent for CGHS empanelled AYUSH Health Care Organizations and Empanelment of IPD AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani and Siddha) Hospitals —reg.
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F.No.S-11011/90/2016-CGHS/(HEC)/AYUSH/PT-II/255-281 Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Directorate General of CGHS Office of the Director, CGHS R.K Puram, Sec-13, New Delhi Dated: 05th July, 2023
The matter regarding revision of room rent of CGHS empanelled AYUSH Health Care Organizations has been under consideration of MoHFW for some time. In this regard the undersigned is directed to convey, the approval of the Competent Authority for revision of the room rent and modified terms & conditions for the empanelment of AYUSH Hospitals under CGHS as per the details given below:
1. The revised room rent for private AYUSH Hospitals empanelled under CGHS shall be as under:
Category Existing Room Rent Revised Room Rent
General Ward Rs. 500 Rs. 1000
Semi-Private Ward Rs. 1000 Rs. 2000
Private Ward Rs. 1500 Rs. 3000
2. It has been decided to empanel hospitals under Unani and Siddha systems also in addition to the Hospitals under Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy. The existing NABH accredited AYUSH Hospitals shall be allowed to continue on CGHS panel by signing the new MoA and acceptance letter for CGHS rates and terms & conditions and submission of revalidated PBG.
3. Hospitals which are shortlisted for empanelment under CGHS, have to onboard on the NHA Platform, within 30 days, failing which their empanelment would be rejected.
4. The ceiling of Rs. 1000/- as one day combined package for both Yoga & Naturopathy procedures (Rs. 250/- per day as one day yoga therapy package for Yoga & Rs. 750/- per day as one day package treatment for Naturopathy), shall be allowed as per the Annexures - N2 & Y2 of OM dated 09.11.2017. However, rates, room rent and number of treating days will be counted as per the clarification issued by CGHS on 30.09.2022,
5. CGHS/CS (MA) beneficiaries may directly obtain consultation/treatment from the empanelled Hospitals / Centres for Yoga & Naturopathy for a period upto two-weeks (ceiling) and shall be eligible for reimbursement, subject to prior intimation to their respective Ministries/Department, in respect of serving CGHS / CS (MA) beneficiaries and to the concerned ADs of CGHS cities in respect of CGHS pensioner beneficiaries. There should be a gap of at least 3 months for the treatment if the patient undergoes upto two-weeks treatment and a gap of at least 45 days for the treatment if the patient undergoes upto one-week treatment.
6. The empanelled AYUSH Hospitals shall also be permitted to provide OPD consultation after referral by CMO/SMO/MO. However, medicines shall be prescribed only from CGHS ary and shall be obtained from CGHS AYUSH Wellness Centres.
7. The GHS inspection squad will make surprise visits for the empanelled Hospitals/Centres, cast once in a month or as per the complaints received to ensure and address the quality and safety treatment to the beneficiaries including performance of the Hospital as per MoA.
8. The Application for empanelment under CGHS is available on CGHS website and shall be submitted enclosing the requisite documents.
9. These orders are valid from the date of issue.
10. This issues with approval of Competent Authority and the concurrence of IFD, MOHFW vide CD No. 971 dated 26.06.2023.
Dr. Manoj Jain (Director, CGHS)
1. All Ministries / Departments Government of India
2. Director, CGHS, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
3. Addl. DDG (HQ)/ Addl. Director (HQ), CGHS
4. JD (Gr.))AD(R&H), CGHS (HQ), New Delhi
5. All Additional Directors /Joint Directors of CGHS Cities /Zones
6. M.S Ayurvedic Hospital, Ali Ganj, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.
7. All Pay & Accounts Officers under CGHS
8. Advisers, AYUSH, Block B, GPO Complex, INA Colony, New Delhi,
9. CGHS Desk-I/Desk-I/CGHS-I/CGHS-II, Dte.GHS, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
10. Bstt.l/ Estt.1l/ Estt.11l/ Estt.IV Sections, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
11. M S Section. Ministry of H&FW
12. Admn.I / Admn.II Sections of Dte.GHS
13. Rajya Sabha / Lok Sabha Secretariat
14. Registrar, Supreme Court of India/Delhi High Court, Sher Shah Road, New Delhi.
15. U.P.S.C.
16. Finance Division, Ministry of H&FW
17. Deputy Secretary (Civil Service News), Department of Personnel & Training, 5" Floor, Sardar Patel Bhawan, New Delhi.
18. PPS to Secretary (H&FW)/ Secretary (AYUSH)/ Secretary (HR)/ Secretary (AIDS Control), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
20. M/s. of all Hospitals /Day Care Centres being empanelled.
21. Secretary, Staff Side, 13-C, Ferozshah Road, NewDelhi.
22. All Staff Side Members of National Council (JCM) (as per list attached)
23. Office of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India, 10 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi
24. All Offices / Sections / Desks in the Ministry
25. Addl. CEO, NHA, Tower-L, Jeevan Bharati Building, Connaught Place, New Delhi-01.
26. Nodal Officer, CGHS (MCTC) with the request to upload the O.M. on the website of the CGHS.
27. Guard File
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