Processing and transmission of international mail within India (DOP - Department of Post)
Sub: Processing and transmission of international mail within India.
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CF-71/16/2022-CF-DOP Government of India Department of Posts IR & GB Division Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001 Dated: 22.06.2023 (Office Memorandum)
This is regarding processing and transmission of international mail in
i. Parcel Hubs have been directed to close all types of Parcels (Registered Parcel/Business Parcel/RPs/Speed Post Parcel) in a common bag in place of separate bags for Parcels and Speed Post.
ii. Only difference prescribed is in respect of mode of transmission which is by Air or Surface. This has to be identified on the basis of the labels of different colors i.e. Yellow for Air connectivity and Blue for Surface connectivity.
2. After implementation of Parcel Directorate's OM No 27-27/2021-PD dated 03 October 2022, following difficulties have been reported at FPOs/OEs in processing of international mail:
2.1 All categories of international mail are being closed in common bags to OEs/ FPOs by the PHs, whereas in OEs/ FPOs, international mail bags have to be opened & processed in the branches handling the respective category of international mail and dispatched accordingly.
2.2 Due to receipt of a common bag in parcel branch of FPO/OE, manual segregation and transfer of different categories of articles to the respective branch has to be done causing delays and accountability issues.
2.3 After the changes in CSI system, many Post Offices/ International Business Centres (IBCs) are not able to dispatch direct bags to respective branch of OEs/ FPOs in CSI software.
3. In light of the above and in consultation with Parcel Directorate, the following instructions are issued for processing of OUTBOUND International mails
Bags to be closed compulsorily:
3.1 All National Parcel Hubs (L-1) will make category wise direct bags of international mail to their mapped OEs/ FPOs. Four separate bags containing International Parcel (C Series barcode article), International EMS (E Series barcode article), Registered small packets (R Series barcode articles) and International Tracked Packets (L Series barcode articles) shall be made and shall be sent by Air or preferably by Road Transport Network (RTN) in absence of suitable Air connectivity.
3.2 All National Sorting Hubs (NSH) will make direct bags for the mapped FPO/OE for International EMS (E-series barcode).
3.3 All CRC (L1 hubs) will make direct bags for the mapped FPO/OE for Registered Letter (R-series barcode).
Bags to be closed optionally:
3.4 Any Post Office (PO) / International Business Centre's (IBCs)/ ICH / SPH /sorting hubs (having more than 15 articles or 10 kg of weight per day, (calculated based on monthly average) will prepare separate category-wise direct bags (Parcel, EMS, Registered and ITPS) to their mapped Foreign Post Office/ OE after obtaining approval of the Regional PMG or CPMG with copy to the FPO concerned and IM branch in the Directorate. *In this case registered letters shall be clubbed with registered small packets.
(* In case of any of the POs/ IBCs/ ICH / SPH / sorting hubs are mapped to a SFPO, the bags will be closed for the same)
3.5 As such, all FPOs/OEs will be treated as National Hubs (PH/NSH/CRC) and all national hubs will prepare direct bags, mail category wise, to their mapped FPOs / OEs. List of the OEs along with mapped Circles is attached at Annexure-1I.
4. In case of INBOUND International mails, following procedure will be followed: -
4.1 In case of Customs cleared articles:
4.1.1 All Foreign Post Offices will make three separate direct bags to mapped National Parcel Hubs (L-1) for International Parcels (C-series barcode); International EMS, “SP Parcel” (E-series barcode); and common bag for Registered Small Packets (R Series barcode) & ITPS articles (L Series barcode).
4.1.2 All Foreign Post Offices will make direct bag to mapped National Sorting Hubs for International EMS, “Other than SP Parcel” (E-series barcode).
4.1.3 All Foreign Post Offices will make direct bags to mapped L1 CRCs for Registered foreign letters (R-series barcode).
4.1.4 All Foreign Post Offices will make direct bags to Delivery Post Offices / NDCs / ICH / SPH / sorting hubs for each category of international mail, if the volume is justified i.e. 15 articles or 10 kg weight per day, ascertained as per monthly average. In this case, different branches of the FPO may close common bag for different categories of articles (e.g. Registered and ITPS) dealt in their branch for dispatch to the concerned office .
4.2 In case of articles falling under Customs jurisdiction of SFPO:
4.2.1 The FPOs having SFPO under their jurisdiction will make mail category wise direct bags to the respective SFPO.
4.2.2 SFPO will follow the process to dispatch Customs cleared articles from SFPO as mentioned in para 4.1 above.
5. CEPT will take action to make the necessary changes in CSI software as per the provisions in para 3 and 4 above.
6. Circles are requested to take necessary action and get the instructions implemented at all the offices with effect from 16th of July 2023.
(Himanshu Chaudhary) Assistant Director General (International Mail)
To All Heads of Circle
CGM, Parcel Directorate: It is requested to issue suitable directions to Parcel hubs to mention the name of products/services (EMS/Parcel/Registered/ITPS) manually / print on the bag label generated through the system. This is an interim arrangement till the development of software for the generation of category-wise bag labels for international mail.
DDG (Mail Operation), Dak Bhawan GM, CEPT: with a request to get the necessary changes done in CSI software in consultation with CSI, DDG (PMU): It is requested to take up the issue with CSI for development of the functionality in CSI system for generation of category-wise separate bag labels at parcel hubs for international mail.
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