Post Office Life Insurance Rules (POLI) 2011 Amendments | Amendments in POLI Rules 13 (a),14,18,19,58(1),58(5) & 59(3) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Post Office Life Insurance Rules (POLI) 2011 Amendments | Amendments in POLI Rules 13 (a),14,18,19,58(1),58(5) & 59(3)


No. 25-1/2011-LI (Part-II).—The President is pleased to make the further following amendments to “Post Office Life Insurance Rules-2011” published on 28th April 2011 in the Gazette of India No. 85 (Part-I Section-I Extraordinary):

Download POLI Rules 2011 amendment in PDF

2. Rule 13 (a) is amended as under: 

Medical Scheme

FOR: In every case where a proposal for Postal Life Insurance or Rural Postal Life Insurance is submitted, the proposer must undergo a medical examination by the prescribed medical authority (except where the proposal is for Endowment Assurance up to sum assured of Rs. 1,00,000/- (In PLI) or Rs. 25,000/- (in RPLI) together with any other Non-Medical Policy/Policies which the proposer may hold or proposes to hold under the Non-Medical Scheme and age of proposer is not exceeding 35 years on next birthday), and must be declared fit for such insurance by the said authority.”

READ: “In every case where a proposal for Postal Life Insurance or Rural Postal Life Insurance is submitted, the proposer must undergo a medical examination by the prescribed medical authority (except where the proposal is up to sum assured of Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rs Five lakh) in PLI or Rs. 1,00,000 /- (Rs. One lakh)* in RPLI together with any other Non-Medical Policy/Policies which the proposer may hold or proposes to hold under the Non-Medical Scheme and age of proposer is not exceeding 40 years (in PLI) and 35 Years (in RPLI) on next birthday), and must be declared fit for such insurance by the said authority. Further, a PLI policy upto Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rs. Two lakh) of sum assured will be a non -medical policy irrespective of age limit”

Rule 14: Non -Medical Scheme (PLI)

FOR: Non-Medical Scheme (PLI) - Any person, whose age on next birthday does not exceed 35 years, and who is eligible for a Postal Life Insurance under Post Office Life Insurance Rules, 2011 and anyone who had applied for a Life Assurance Policy either under Non-Medical or Medical Scheme and had not been turned down by any insurance company operating in India, may apply for a Non-Medical Policy in PLI in multiples of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten thousand), for such sum assured which shall not exceed Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh) together with any other Non-Medical policy/policies which the proposer may hold or proposes to hold under the said Non-Medical Scheme. Further the total sum assured shall not exceed Rs. 50, 00,000/- (Rupees fifty Lakh) together with any Non-Medical or/and Medical policy/policies which the proposer may hold or proposes to hold. The medical history of the proponent should not reveal any adverse features, and the proponent is medically fit at the time of proposal and had not suffered with any chronic disease and hospitalized during the two years prior to the date of proposal.”

READ: Non-Medical Scheme (PLI) - Any person, whose age on next birthday does not exceed 40 years, and who is eligible for a Postal Life Insurance under Post Office Life Insurance Rules, 2011 and anyone who had applied for a Life Assurance Policy either under Non-Medical or Medical Scheme and had not been turned down by any insurance company operating in India, may apply for a Non-Medical Policy in PLI in multiples of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten thousand), for such sum assured which shall not exceed Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees Five Lakh) together with any other Non-Medical policy/policies which the proposer may hold or proposes to hold under the said Non-Medical Scheme. Further the total sum assured shall not exceed Rs. 50,00,000/- (Rupees fifty Lakhs) together with any Non-Medical or/and Medical policy/policies which the proposer may hold or proposes to hold. The medical history of the proponent should not reveal any adverse features, and the proponent is medically fit at the time of proposal and had not suffered with any chronic disease and hospitalized during the two years prior to the date of proposal.

Further, ‘Rs. 25,000/- (Rs. Twenty-five thousand)’ appearing in Rule 15 is amended to read as ‘Rs.100,000/- (Rs. One lakh)’*.

*Note: ‘Maximum aggregated sum assured limit of non-medical RPLI policy/ies with non standard age proof will remain Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees twenty-five thousand only).’

3. Rule 18 & 19 are amended as under:

FOR (Rule 18): For PLI policies: when a person wishes to purchase a Whole Life Assurance, Convertible Whole Life Assurance, Endowment assurance including Anticipated Endowment Assurance, Joint Life Assurance and Children policy under PLI, he will be r Assurance equired to answer, the question in the prescribed form of proposal which can be obtained at the nearest post office and to sign the form or impress his/her left hand thumb impression, if illiterate, in token of having accepted the terms and conditions thereof and having furnished correct and factual information in the proposal form. The proposal form shall be signed or impressed with thumb by the proponent in the presence of Marketing Staff i.e. Development Officer, Field Officer, Direct Agent etc., or in the presence of counter assistant of Post Office, as the case may be, who will have to give certificate in this regard. The proposal form may be handed over to the concerned Marketing Staff or Counter Assistant by the proponent along with the advance premium in Cash or in Cheque for which a receipt will be given to the proponent by the concerned Marketing Staff or Counter Assistant.

The immediate supervisor of the proponent will give certificate that the information furnished in the proposal form has been verified and found correct.

FOR (Rule 19). The immediate superior of the proposer will compare the answers in the form of proposal with the proposer’s service book, service roll, appointment certificate and satisfy himself that the details of the proposer’s service have been properly recorded and attested. He will prepare a certified copy of (1) the first page of the service book, or (2) the descriptive headings of the service roll, or (3) the appointment certificate and if the proposer is unable to sign his name obtain on it the impression of the left thumb of the proposer in his presence. In the case of a proposer who is able to sign his name, the signature only should be obtained. The immediate superior will then handover the proposal form accompanied with the certified documents referred to above to the Marketing Staff of the Postal Life Insurance who processed the proposal.”

NOTE 1: In the case of a temporary official who has no service book, service roll or appointment certificate, the proposal should be accompanied by the certificate granted by a competent officer of the Department on the terms and conditions of appointment. The immediate superior of the proposer should satisfy himself by a comparison with the records of his office that the details of the proposer’s service have been properly recorded and attested. He will obtain, on the certificate referred to above the signature or the impression of the left-thumb as the case may be of the proposer in his presence. An attested copy of the proposer’s school certificate, a municipal certificate of birth or when a proposer is unable to produce any such document a certificate regarding his age granted by two respectable persons (who should be able to speak from their personal knowledge as to the proposer’s age) should also be attached to the proposal.”

READ (Rule 18): “For PLI policies: when a person wishes to purchase a Whole Life Assurance, Convertible Whole Life Assurance, Endowment assurance including Anticipated Endowment Assurance, Joint Life Assurance and Children policy under PLI, he will be required to answer, the question in the prescribed form of proposal which can be obtained at the nearest post office and to sign the form or impress his/her left hand thumb impression, if illiterate, in token of having accepted the terms and conditions thereof and having furnished correct and factual information in the proposal form. The proposal form shall be signed or impressed with thumb by the proponent in the presence of Marketing Staff i.e. Development Officer, Field Officer, Direct Agent etc., or in the presence of counter assistant of Post Office, as the case may be, who will have to give certificate in this regard. The proposal form may be handed over to the concerned Marketing Staff or Counter Assistant by the proponent along with the advance premium in Cash or in Cheque for which a receipt will be given to the proponent by the concerned Marketing Staff or Counter assistant.

(Rule 19): (Deleted)

NOTE 1: -In the case of a temporary official the proposal should be accompanied by the certificate granted by a competent officer of the Department on the terms and conditions of appointment. A self-attested copy of the proposer’s school certificate or certificate of birth or any other proof of date of birth should also be attached to the proposal.”

4. Rule 58 (1), 58(5) and Note Below Rule 58 are amended as under:

 FOR 58. (1) The Postmaster General/ Head of Division/ Postmaster/ Manager of Central Processing Centre (GPO/Head Office), may in his discretion, on receiving an application in the prescribed proforma allow a policy, which has become void in terms of Rule 56(1), or has ceased to be active in terms of Rule 57(1) and has not been re-instated under the provisions of Rule 56 (3) or 57(3), to be revived provided that the said policy has not attained the date of maturity and the life assured is insurable at the time of revival. Such revival shall be subject to payment, within a date to be specified by the Postmaster General/ Head of Division/ Postmaster/ Manager of Central Processing Centre (GPO/ Head Office), of all arrears of premia with interest thereon at the rates prescribed by the Director General of Posts and calculated from the date the first unpaid premium in respect of such policy had become due and further subject to production of a certificate from the employer (s) that the policy holder had not taken any leave on medical grounds during the last one year, or during the period from the date the first unpaid premium had become due in respect of such policy, and certificate from an authorized medical attendant in the prescribed proforma certifying that the life assured is insurable having regard to the insurants health and habits and of evidence to show that there has been no adverse change in his/her personal or family history or his/her occupation.

58 (5). For revival of RPLI policies, these rules shall apply mutatis mutandis except that the employer’s certificate shall not be required.

NOTE: -The revival of a policy under Rule 58 shall not be allowed on more than two occasions during the entire term of the policy which will, however, not include the relaxation given under Rules 56(3) and 57(3) for re-instatement.

READ 58. (1) The Postmaster General/ Head of Division/ Postmaster/ Manager of Central Processing Centre (GPO/ Head Office), may in his discretion, on receiving an application in the prescribed proforma allow a policy, which has become void in terms of Rule 56(1), or has ceased to be active in terms of Rule 57(1) and has not been re-instated under the provisions of Rule 56 (3) or 57(3), to be revived provided that the said policy has not attained the date of maturity and a period of consecutive 5(five) years has not passed from the date of first unpaid premium and the life assured is insurable at the time of revival. Such revival shall be subject to payment, within a date to be specified by the Postmaster General/ Head of Division/ Postmaster/ Manager of Central Processing Centre (GPO/ Head Office), of all arrears of premia with interest thereon at the rates prescribed by the Director General of Posts and calculated from the date the first unpaid premium in respect of such policy had become due and certificate from an authorized medical attendant in the prescribed proforma certifying that the life assured is insurable having regard to the insurants health and habits and of evidence to show that there has been no adverse change in his/her personal or family history or his/her occupation.

58 (5). For revival of RPLI policies, these rules shall apply mutatis mutandis. 

NOTE: - The revival of a policy under Rule 58 shall be allowed on any number of occasions during the entire term of the policy including the relaxation given under Rules 56(3) and 57(3) for re-instatement. However, a period of consecutive 5(five) years should not have passed from the date of first unpaid premium against such lapsed policy.

5. Rule 59 (3) is amended as under:

FOR: “59. (3). The loan may be repaid at any time. It may also be paid in installments of amount not less than Rs. 100/-. Interest will be charged @ 10% per annum compounding half yearly from the date of disbursement of loan and should be paid on or before the dates specified in the loan bond and loan repayment receipt book. Interest for the half year will be charged on the amount outstanding on the first day of the half year, and any repayment made during that half year will be taken into account for calculation of interest only for the next half year. In the case of final repayment, interest will not be charged beyond the last date of the month in which the final repayment is made provided that interest had already been charged on the loan for at least six months. The responsibility for payment of interest rests solely on the insurant. A notice regarding the amount to be paid as half yearly interest will be issued to the insurant only when there is a change in the amount payable as interest as a result of payment of a part of the principal. But the plea of non-receipt of such a notice cannot in any circumstances be accepted for non-payment of interest. If the interest is not paid on the due date, it will be added to the outstanding amount of loan and usual interest charged thereon. In the event of any three defaults in the payment of half yearly interest, the Postmaster/ Manager of Central Processing Centre (GPO/ Head Office), will be entitled to surrender the policy and to apply the surrender value thereof in payment of the said loan and interest. The balance, if any, of such surrender value if adequate for a paid up value of Rs. 10,000/- shall be utilized for the issue of such a paid-up policy; otherwise the amount will be paid in cash to policy holder entitled there to.

The outstanding balance of the loan with interest will be recovered from the value of the policy at the time of settlement of the claim. Interest on a loan will accrue up to the last date of the month in which the policy becomes a claim either by maturity or by surrender, provided that interest for at least six months had been charged on the loan.”

READ:59. (3). The loan may be repaid at any time. It may also be paid in installments of amount not less than Rs. 100/-. Interest will be charged @ 10% per annum compounding half yearly from the date of disbursement of loan and should be paid on or before the dates specified in the loan bond and loan repayment receipt book. Interest for the half year will be charged on the amount outstanding on the first day of the half year, and any repayment made during that half year will be taken into account for calculation of interest only for the next half year. In the case of final repayment, interest will not be charged beyond the last date of the month in which the final repayment is made provided that interest had already been charged on the loan for at least six months. The responsibility for payment of interest rests solely on the insurant. A notice regarding the amount to be paid as half yearly interest will be issued to the insurant only when there is a change in the amount payable as interest as a result of payment of a part of the principal.

But the plea of non-receipt of such a notice cannot in any circumstances be accepted for nonpayment of interest. If the interest is not paid on the due date, it will be added to the outstanding amount of loan and usual interest charged thereon.

In the event of defaults in the payment of half yearly interest or defaults in repayment of loan, the Postmaster/Manager of Central Processing Centre(GPO/Head Office), will send 1st reminder/intimation to insurant when loan capitalization(including due interest) reaches 90% of the surrender value and 2nd intimation/reminder when loan capitalization (including due interest) reaches 95% of the surrender value and final notice to pay off outstanding loan amount and due interest when loan capitalization reaches 100% of the surrender value.

If the due amount is unpaid within 30 days from the date of issue of 3rd intimation/reminder, the policy shall be forcibly surrendered and the balance, if any of such surrender value will be paid to policy holder thereto.

However, the forced/auto surrender shall not be applied in following cases:

(i) Where policy becomes a claim

(ii) Maturity date of the policy is within the next one year

The outstanding balance of the loan with interest will be recovered from the value of the policy at the time of settlement of the claim. Interest on a loan will accrue up to the last date of the month in which the policy becomes a claim either by maturity or by surrender, provided that interest for at least six months had been charged on the loan.”

L. N. SHARMA, Chief General Manager (PLI)

Equivalent to Addl. Secretary Govt. of India

Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054. ALOK KUMAR Digitally signed by ALOK KUMAR Date: 2019.09.24 15:07:45 +05'30'

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