Network Failure Issues in Post Offices (DOP) - Delay in interest posting in the passbooks & double credit in RD/TD deposits - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Network Failure Issues in Post Offices (DOP) - Delay in interest posting in the passbooks & double credit in RD/TD deposits

Subject: Delay in interest posting in the passbooks, non dispatch of ATM card to the Branch Post Offices (BOs) and double credit in RD/TD deposits in BOs due to network failure - Reg.

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No. FS- 1 0/1 7/2020-FS-Part( I ) Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (F.S. Division) Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 Dated: 14.07.2023

This office is in receipt of various issues related to certain difficulties in Branch Post Offices. Some of the issues are as follows: -

(i). Due to network issues in Branch Post Offices, POSB deposits get credited more than once.

(ii). There is abnormal delay in retuming the passbooks by the Account Offices after posting of interest in passbooks received from BOs.

(iii). Account holders having the account in BOs have to go to the account SO for collecting the ATM cards, which is inconvenient to the depositors.

2. In this connection, the following instructions are re-iterated.

(i). In accordance with the para 2 of the SOP released while rolling out of RICT CBS Version (circulated in SB Order No. 2512021 dated 24.08.2021), to prevent the duplicate transactions, a new reconciliation functionality menu viz. 'Transaction Update' has been provided to check the status of transaction and to reinitiate the transaction if failure of transaction due to network / server issues is confirmed. This has been incorporated in Rule 73 of POSB CBS Manual (Corrected up to 31.12.2021) which was released vide SB order No . 0312022 dated 18.02.2022.

(ii) In accordance with the procedure prescribed in Rule 79 of POSB CBS Manual (Corrected tp to 31.12.2021), after 3l't March of every financial year, BPMs are required to send the SB, SSA and PPF passbooks to the Account Office for annual interest posting. On receipt of passbook from BO, Account Office shall tally the balance shown in the passbook with the balance shown in the account in Finacle CBS / Sanchay Post and print the transactions from the date of interest (31st March) to the date of printing in the passbook using passbook printer. Difference if any in the balance should immediately be identified and passbook should be sent to the Divisional head for further inquiry. Those passbooks where there is no difference in balance should be returned to the BO duly entered in the BO Slip, for delivery to the depositors.

(iii). As per the procedure prescribed in Rule 78 (A) (ix) of POSB CBS Manual (Corrected up to 31.12.2021), in case of any request for issue of ATM card for an account at BO, the BO shall send the request to the Account Office and Sub Postmaster shall dispatch the ATM card and passbook in respect of the BO accounts to concerned branch post office duly entered in BO slip, after necessary entry in the system.

3. Hence, Circles are requested to issue following instructions to the concerned.

(i). GDS Branch Postmasters shall use the Transaction Update menu in RICT Device to prevent duplicate savings bank related transactions.

(ii). Account Oflices shall return the passbooks received from BOs after completion of the said process without delay.

(iii). Account Offices shall dispatch the ATM cards to the Branch Offices through BO bag duly entered in BO slip without insisting that the BO account holders should attend the AO to receive the ATM card.

4. This is issued with the approval of competent authority.

Yours faithfully

Asst. Director (SB-I)

Copy to:

DDG (RB), Postal Directorate for kind information.

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