MMU (Mail Monitoring Unit) Training Material & Reports | MMU Works & Reports in PDF, PPT & MS Word - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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MMU (Mail Monitoring Unit) Training Material & Reports | MMU Works & Reports in PDF, PPT & MS Word

Objectives of MMU (Mail Monitoring Unit) :

Download MMU (Mail Monitoring Unit) Training Material & Reports in PDF

To bring back focus on delivery of Mail and Parcels 

To identify and resolve issues affecting booking, processing and delivery of mail and parcel on a day-to-day basis.

To flag the issues pertaining to Mail and Parcel operations 

To guide the field staff for proper working as per the prescribed SOPs

Improve delivery efficiency across Post offices/NDCs

Online course on MMU (Mail Monitoring Unit)  :

Avaiilable on both dak karmyogi and igot kamyogi portals
Course duration : 1 Hour 46 Minutes
Total 9 videos

Online course on MMU (Mail Monitoring Unit)  :

1. MMU Introduction
2. Significance of Monitoring
3. Structure of MMUs
4. Overview of MMUs
5. Booking and Transmission Monitoring
6. Monitoring of Delivery aspects
7. Roles and responsibilities of MMUs
8. Benchmark of KPIs
9. MMUs Way Forward  

MMU (Mail Monitoring Unit) General Guidelines :

MMUs should not be assigned with any work, not related to monitoring of booking, processing, transmission and delivery of Mail and Parcel. MMUs at all levels, will also function on Saturdays. Separate Accommodation, within the office, if feasible. Adequate infrastructure i.e. Desktop, printer, Scanner, furniture, etc. Broadband connection of minimum 2 MBPS, SAP connectivity.  CUG SIM to in-charge/other supportive staff of Mail Monitoring Units.   Separate landline telephone connection for the MMUs

Work to be Monitored by MMU (Mail Monitoring Unit):


Work to be Monitored by MMU (Mail Monitoring Unit)

MMU (Mail Monitoring Unit) Reports


MMUs will be responsible for monitoring the overall operations and delivery of Mail/ Parcel


All type of reports



Offices which require immediate attention on Network issues , not doing High / Daily Sync for 48 hrs, Number of Offices where both NSP 1 & NSP 2 are down, Number of articles not processed within 48 hours of receipt in DPMS as per the report shared everyday by CEPT and to be shared with Regional / Divisional MMUs by Circle MMU for action to  ensure that issues are resolved. Impact of these issues highlighted in next slides.


Report Shared by CEPT Daily

Link to be used by the MMUs



To identify the BNPLs / BPCs/ Booking Offices not closing bags in IPVS Back Office and the list to be shared with Regional / Divisional MMUs for immediate necessary action.

Parcel Booking – Origin Service Level Report



Delay in case of pick-up of articles / parcels as reflected on the MIS Dashboard. The list of such cases also to be shared with Regional / Divisional MMUs by Circle for action.

To ensure pick-up without further delay.



Delay observed in induction of picked-up articles. List of such cases also to be shared with Regional / Divisional MMUs by Circle MMU for action.

To Ensure induction without further delay.


TMOs / Transhipment Centres not scanning bags. List of  such offices also to be shared with Regional/Divisional MMUs by Circle MMU for action.

To ensure scanning of all bags at TMOs/TC.



NSH/ICH/CRCs/Parcel Hubs/Unreg. L-1 & L-2 offices, etc. not scanning bags/articles. List of such  offices also to be shared with Regional / Divisional MMUs for action.

To ensure scanning of all bags at NSH/CRCs/PH, etc.




Errors pending in the system for resolution – Office wise pending list also to be generated and shared with Regional / Divisional MMU by Circle MMU for action.





Monitoring of performance of Postal Divisions for 100% use of PMA for delivery of all accountable articles / parcels. Defaulting Regions / Divisions/POs to be monitored regularly.



Monitoring of performance of Postal Divisions/POs for Doorstep delivery through PMA for delivery of all accountable articles / parcels. Random checking of GPO/ Hos/POs delivery. Defaulting offices to be flagged.



Monitoring of Postal Divisions/POs delivering less than 90% on the day of receipt of articles (D+0) so as to improve the delivery performance above 90% in D+0 for all categories of articles / parcels.


Daily Report Received from Pos (Through google spread sheet / Manual 



Sharing the list of pending articles / parcels of Bulk customers with Regional / Divisional MMUs by Circle MMU, to ensure delivery of all the pending articles / parcels and delivery status update in DPMS.



MMUs at Circle level will share the list of pending articles/parcels  booked by top 20 bulk customers in the circle with the delivery circles concerned to ensure prompt delivery and delivery status update in DPMS.



Updation of RTN dashboard on daily basis.



To monitor all BI Reports



Regional MMU/RMs Divisional MMUs will ensure use of Bullet seals in dispatch of mail/Parcel through RTN vehicle.  In-charge, TMO/Transhipment Centre will also be contacted over phone from time to time.


Telephone Calls



Divisional MMU will contact each delivery Post Office every day to ascertain the availability of delivery staff in each beat and arrangements made by Sub-Divisional Heads/Postmasters in case of any absentee of delivery staff.


Telephone Calls



Daily Report to be obtained from each Delivery POs and to be analysed – Daily Mail and Parcel Delivery Report


Whatsapp Group /  e-mail /  Google Sheet , Telephone Calls in case of default



Postal Divisional MMU to contact delivery Post Offices every day about the time of actual receipt of mail at the delivery Post office and in case of frequent delays in receipt of mail at Post offices, to take up the matter with the parent Hub.


Telephone Calls



MMUs at RMS Divisions will ascertain from Processing Hubs/TMOs/ Transhipment Centres about timely receipt and dispatch of bags.


Telephone Calls



Postal Divisional MMU to contact (based on the reports received from Post offices) at least 25 addressees over telephone whose articles have been reported to be undelivered and record the result of such inquiry, to be shared with the Divisional Heads.

Circle MMU/Regional MMU also to randomly keep watch on Divisional MMU.


Telephone Calls



To monitor Post offices for invoicing of 100% accountable Mail, received in the Post office, to delivery staff through DPMS.  Defaulting Post offices to be monitored closely till the Post office start invoicing 100% mail through DPMS.



Monitoring of EOD of all the delivery beats/Post offices – defaulting POs to be monitored till the Post offices start regular EOD for all  delivery beats.  

  DPMS Transaction & Reports



Monitoring of invoicing of the articles for Branch Post Offices through DPMS - Delinquent Post offices to be monitored for following the correct procedure.   



Monitoring of Branch Post offices to ascertain whether bags are received and delivery is effected through DARPAN.  




Monitoring of execution of Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in the offices. (Article details to be collected from NSH/PH, etc.)


MMU to monitor manually by random tracking of articles



Contacting Processing Hubs/TMOs on daily basis for any deposit of bags/articles in the Hubs/TMOs. In case of any deposit of bags/articles, Division office to be informed for taking further remedial action.


Circle/Region to monitor this activity by analysing NTD/TD transit time of Hubs – if noticed on very higher side



Monitoring of dispatch of parcel bags through RTNs or air schedules, as the case may be.  To ensure that Speed Post parcels/documents are dispatched by air wherever air connectivity is available.


Telephone Calls



Tallying of Mail / Parcel Abstract in each Booking Office/Processing Hubs / Delivery Post offices / NDCs on a daily basis.


IPVS – Abstract to be randomly checked

IPVS / Manual



Daily Validation of the data on T-2 basis with the help of MMU Dashboard


Manual Activity – to be performed by MMU Daily



Day to Day non-delivery of articles flagged by the Bulk Customers



 Follow up with unit concerned



Day to Day non-pickup of articles flagged by the Bulk Customers


Follow up with unit concerned



Articles not Delivered/ Returned/

Redirected within 7 days 



Articles not attempted  on the day of receipt



Number of articles not processed for delivery at post offices for more than 48 hours after receipt  


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