Mileage allowance (TA) for journey by Road may be allowed on produce of Tickets - DOP Audit - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Mileage allowance (TA) for journey by Road may be allowed on produce of Tickets - DOP Audit

In accordance with Department of Expenditure OM No. 19030/12017-EJV dated 13 th July 2017(Annexure) As per 2 D(i) for all types of pay level in pay matrix, Mileage allowance for journey by Road, it is clearly mentioned that Actuel fare by any type of public bus as per entitlements. This comes under Rule SR 46 of FRSR Part II. To determine the actual fare, the Government servant must produce the tickets. In accordance with Department of Expenditure OM No. 19030/12017-E.IV dated 13th July 2017(Annexure) 2 A(iii)(b) in case of road travel between places connected by rail travel by any means of public transport is allowed provided the total fare does not exceed the train fare by the entitled class. 

Further without production of vouchers against self-certified claim ie., the period of travel, vehicle number up the level 8 and below is the components of Daily Allowance i.c. reimbursement for hotel accommodation, reimbursement of travelling allowances within city in accordance with SR. 49-51 of FRSR Part II. The SR 49-51 daily allowances components are different and SR 46 mileage components are different.

On checking of TA bills, it is observed that in almost all cases Train/Bus Tickets are not obtained from the officials. Further if officials travelled through buses where train is connected, the admissible amount is restricted to train fare. Since there is procedural and financial lapse, the procedure may be followed with diligence. In r/o almost all cases, orders for deputation/training orders by competent authority is not available and relinquished & assumed reports may be obtained.

In accordance with GI MF OM No. 19030/1/2017-E.IV dated 13 July 2017, production of vouchers the ceiling of level 11 and above is compulsory. Further without production of vouchers against self-certified claim ie., the period of travel, vehicle number up the level 8 and below is the components of Daily Allowance i.e. reimbursement for hotel accommodation, reimbursement of travelling allowances within city in accordance with SR. 49-51 of FRSR Part II. Further read with SR 53. were travelled

On checking of TA bills it is observed that in almost all cases, where officials through auto-rickshaw and that cases auto-rickshaw Number is not mentioned, and also self- certification also not obtained, which is contradictory to the said rulings

In accordance with GIO 1 under SR 31, the existing system of restricting road mileage to rail mileage between places connected by rail will continue to apply. Road Mileage will be limited to the rail fare of the entitled class. Full road mileage may, however, be admitted in those cases where travel by road is in public interest and sanction of the competent authority under SR 31 is accordance.

Further vide DOP lettr no.16-9-188-PAP dated 17.07.1989 clarified that, in the case of journeys performed by own car/scooters etc between places connected by rail, the principles of restricting the road mileage to rail fare admissible should be kept in view (G.O.I decision No.1, note 8, under SR 46). The questions of granting full allowance for such journeys under SR 31 is, however, to be decided by the Head of Department. As regards the journeys by own car/scooter/motor cycle etc between places not connected by rail, the road mileage is to be regulated as provided under GOI No. 1, Note 9 under SR 46 viz, that between places connected by public transport system, permission of superior authority will not be necessary to travel by own car/scooter.

On checking of TA bills, it is observed that official/Officer are using bike and car for official purpose and claimed for full road mileage and bill passed for full road mileage. In this regard please furnish the sanction orders accorded by the competent authority under SR 31.

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