Merger of Assistant Manager (AM) MMS with Inspector Posts (IP) and DeputyManager (DM) MMS with Assistant Superintendent of Posts (ASPs) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Merger of Assistant Manager (AM) MMS with Inspector Posts (IP) and DeputyManager (DM) MMS with Assistant Superintendent of Posts (ASPs)

Subject : New Merger of Assistant Manager (AM) MMS with Inspector Posts (IP) and DeputyManager (DM) MMS with Assistant Superintendent of Posts (ASPs)

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No.- Y-77/2/2023-PE-II-DOP Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (Establishment Division) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi- 1100O1. Dated: 04th July , 2023.

To  All Heads of Circles

This is in supersession of this office letter of even no. dated 2Oth June, 2023 regarding Merger of Assistant Manager, MMS with Inspector Posts and Deputy Manager, MMS with Assistant Superintendent of Posts.

2. It has been found that existing Recruitment Rules for Assistant Manager provides Traffic Supervisor and Inspector & Head Clerk as feeder cadre. However, Traffic Supervisor was re-designated as Inspector Posts, MMS. Thereafter, cadre of Assistant Manager, MMS and Inspector MMS (which includes Head Clerk) have been merged into a single cadre, i.e. Assistant Manager, MMS.

3. Similarly, Inspector and Head Clerk of MMS with 8 years regular service, including service rendered as Assistant Manager are eligible for promotion to the cadre of Deputy Manager In MMS. Now, in absence of feeder grade officials posts in Assistant Manager and Deputy Manager, MMS could not be filled, adversely impacting day to day operation of MMS units.

4. The issue has been examined and with approval of competent authority it has been decided to merge the cadre of Assistant Manager, MMS with Inspector Posts and Deputy Manager, MMS with Assistant Superintendent of Posts.

5. The sanctioned strength of Assistant Manager, MMS is 41 and the sanctioned strength of Deputy Manager, MMS is 04, as per Annexure-D of Directorate letter no. Q-25/33/2O22-PE-I-DOP dated 11.08.2022. -The revised sanctioned strength of Inspector Posts has been issued recently vide Directorate letter no. 25-36/2017-PE-I (Vol.III) dated 29th March. 2023 after creation of 60 new posts.

6. There are 05 posts (3 in Maharashtra Circle, 1 in Tamil Nadu Circle and 1 in West Bengal Circle) of Assistant Manager, MMS wherein incumbents are working on regular basis. They will continue to work as Assistant manager. MMS and may be considered for promotion to Deputy Manager subject to fulfilment of eligibility conditions contained in prevailing Recruitment Rules. Consequent upon vacation of these posts of Assistant Manager, MMS due to promotion/ superannuation/ otherwise, these posts shall also be added to the sanctioned strength of Inspector Posts in concerned Circle.

7. Moreover, there are 07 posts (O6 in Delhi Circle and 1in Tamil Nadu Circle) of Assistant Manager, MMS where PA/LSG officials in MMS are officiating as Assistant Manager, MMS on ad-hoc basis on directions of various court orders. They will continue to officiate as Assistant Manager, MMS. As and when these posts are vacated by the incumbents, these posts shall also be included in the sanctioned strength of Inspector Posts in concerned circle.

8. The revised sanctioned strength of Inspector Posts after merger of vacant posts of Assistant Manager, MMS is attached at Annexure-A.

9. The detailed modalities for merger of Assistant Manager, MMS with Inspector Posts and Deputy Manager, MMS with Assistant Superintendent of Posts, formulated in consultation with Personnel Division (SPN-II) are attached as Annexure-B and Annexure-C respectively.

Encl : As above

Yours faithfull (R.N. Bharti) Director( Establishment)

Copy for information to :

1. Sr. PPS to Secretary (Posts)/ Director General postal Services.

2 sr. PPS/ PPS to Addl. DG(Co-ord.)/ Member (Banking)/ Member (o)/ Member(P)/ Member(Plg. & HRD)/ Member(PLI)/ Member (Tech).

3. Additional Secretary & Financial Adviser.

4. All Postmasters General.

5. Director, RAKNPA/Directors of All PTCS.

6. Chief General Manager, BD Dte./ Parcel Dte./ PLI Dte.

7. Sr. Deputy Director General (Vigilance) & CVO/ Sr. Deputy Director General(PAF).

8. Secretary, Postal Services Board/ All Deputy Directors General (through e- office notice board).

9.  Director(SPN)/ Director(Staff).

10. Director (Staff) / Director (SPN), Dak Bhawan for information & necessary action

11. MV Division, SPG-I, SPG-II, SPN-I. SpN-II Section.

12. All recognized Federations/ Unions/ Associations (through India Post website).

13. GM(CEPT)- for uploading the order on India Post website.

14. ADG(Admn) - for uploading the order on e-office Notice Board.

15. Guard File.

16. Spare Copies.

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