Karmayogi Guidelines 2023 | Download DOPT Karmayogi Guidelines 2023 in PDF
Sub: Karmayogi Guidelines 2023. DOPT Released the Karmayogi Guidelines 2023 on 28th July 2023.
Download Karmayogi Guidelines 2023 in PDF
No.T-16017/6/2023-TFA Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel & Training (Training Division) Old JNU Campus, New Delhi Dated the 28th July, 2023 IMMEDIATE OFFICE MEMORANDUM
The undersigned is directed to say that this Department is the nodal agency of Government of India for matters related to training of Civil Servants.
2. The Civil Services play a central role in governance and its delivery of public services. To equip the civil services with the right attitudes, skills, knowledge and competencies aligned to the demands and expectations of a rapidly growing economy and its aspirational citizens, Government of India launched the National Programme for Civil Services Capacity Building (NPCSCB) - Mission Karmayogi. The Mission Karmayogi aims at developing a citizen-centric and future-ready civil service and through democratized and competency-led capacity building, which encompasses in its scope a mandate that unifies the efforts of structured, formal and service-based training through Civil Service Training Institutions (CSTIs) with the on-demand digital training through iGOT- Karmayogi platform.
3. To deliver on the vision of capacity building of Civil Servants, two key institutiens viz. Capacity Building Commission (CBC) and the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) - Karmayogi Bharat were designated. The CBC has become fully functional since June, 2021, while the SPV — Karmayogi Bharat has become operational since August, 2022 and has been managing and maintaining the iGOT platform. Further, the e-HRMS has been revamped and integrated with iGOT platform.
4. It is envisaged that the institutional training interventions in complementarity with online capacity building interventions on iGOT would facilitate the overall objective of shift from rule-based system to a role-based Human Resource Management in Government. The National Training approach, therefore, has to harmoniously blend and realign the role of various CSTIs so as to fully complement the efforts of other pillars of Mission Karmayogi.
5. Therefore, these “Karmayogi Guidelines” (as per the Annexure) are being issued to bring more clarity to the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders in the training and capacity building landscape, including that of the institutions established under the Mission Karmayogi.
6. All the Ministries / Departments, including CSTIs and other organizations functioning under their administrative control, are requested to comply with these guidelines.
7. In so far as the State Governments are concerned, it is recommended that they may formulate comprehensive guidelines for training and capacity building of their employees, in consonance with these guidelines, to enable achievement of citizen-centricity and effective public service delivery.
Encl: As above. (B. Ginkhan Mang) Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
All Ministries/Departments (As per the list enclosed)
Copy to
1. Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA), Mussoorie, Uttarakhand.
2. Institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTM), New Delhi.
3. Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA), New Delhi.
4. Capacity Building Commission, Jawahar Vyapar Bhavan, Tolstoy Road, New Delhi.
5. SPV - Karmayogi Bharat, II Floor, NDCC-II Building, Jai Singh Marg, New Delhi
6. NIC, Training Division, DoPT — for uploading the OM on the Department’s website.
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All State / UT Governments (As per the standard list).
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