IPPB Deputation Policy for DoP employees | IPPB Manpower management policy for DOP employees Deputation
Subject: Deputation Policy for DoP (Department of Post) employees and Manpower management policy of IPPB (India Post Payments Bank).
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No. 1-2612016-PBI Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (PBI Division) Dak Bhawan, New Delhi Dated 10 April 2023
Shri J Venkatramu MD and CEO, IPPB 2nd Floor, Speed Post Center, Market Road, New Delhi - 110001
I am directed to refer to the subject mentioned above and convey the directions of the competent authority as under: -
(1) Deputation Policy of IPPB for Department of Posts employees may be revised keeping in view of following points: -
(a) Deputation policy should be aligned with the decision of the Postal Services Board on the subject matter in 2016.
(b) ln obedience to the decision of the Cabinet
(i) Level-1 vacancies in the Bank need to be filled up from eligible PostalAssistants with five years service in the Department.
(ii). L-0 posts may be filled up from eligible GDS officials with five years service in the Department.
(c) Following revised guidelines is to be kept in mind while considering deputation of IPoS officers in IPPB: -
(i) JTS level (Level - 10) officers with 3 years service in the Department to be Chief Manager
(ii) STS level (Level - 11) officer with 6 years service in the Department to be Assistant General Manager
(iii) JAG level (Level - 12) officer with 10 years service to be Deputy General Manager
(iv) Level 13 officer with 14 years service to be General Manager
(v) Level 14 officer with 20 years of service to be Executive Director/Joint Managing Director
(d) Vacant post in North East States may be filled up by deputation of DoP employees from North Eastern and Assam Circles on priority.
(e) Tenure of deputation to be 5 years with option of absorption on completion of the period of deputation. ln case the official opts for absorption into IPPB, the period of deputation would count for his/her promotion,
(2) lt is requested to intimate the following information for further examination at this end:
(a) Manpower management plan of IPPB for next five years keeping the pyramid structure in mind.
(b) Promotion Plan of IPPB officials for next five year.
(c) ldentification of sensitive and non-sensitive posts in IPPB alongwith tenure transfer policy of the Bank both for sensitive as well as for non-sensitive posts.
2. This issued with the approval of the competent authority.
Yours faithfully,
(Puneet Bijaraniya) Assistant Director General (PBl-l) Tel: 011-23096208
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