Implementation of Rule 288 of General Financial Rules (GFR) 2017 in Postal Department (DOP) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Implementation of Rule 288 of General Financial Rules (GFR) 2017 in Postal Department (DOP)

Subject: Implementation of Rule 288 of General Financial Rules, 2017 — regarding.

Download Implementation of GFR 2017 Rule 288 in PDF

X-20/26/2023- SPN-II Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (Personnel Division) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi -110001, Dated : 14.07.2023

Rule 288 of GFR 2017 inter alia provides following:-

(2) The service book of a government servant shall be maintained in duplicate. First copy shall be retained and maintained by the Head of the Office and the second copy should be given to the government servant for safe custody as indicated below: -

(i) To the existing employees - within six months of the date on which these rules become effective, if not already given.

(ii) To new appointees - within one month of the date of appointment.

2. Accordingly, all Postal Circles are requested to implement above provisions of GFR in true spirit and a provide copy of service book maintained in duplicate form to the staff on his /her personal request. In absence of original copy, duplicate copy produced by the employee may be proved helpful for verification of service particulars.

3. Compliance Report in this regard may be sent within a month from the date of issue of this communication.

Yours faithfully, (Dileep Singh Sengar) Assistant Director General (SPN)

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