Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) Burning Problems and Charter of Demands in India Post (Post Office) - NUGDS & AIGDS Postal Unions
Subject: Burning
Problems and Charter of Demands of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) in India Post.
On behalf of the 2,72,000 Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) working in India Post, serving every nook and corner of India, catering more than 90% of Indian population, we would like to bring to your kind attention, amidst your busy engagements, the pressing concerns and demands of this essential workforce. These demands are crucial to address their working conditions and ensure their well-being. The GDS play a significant role in the functioning of India Post and contribute to various services, such as RPLI (Rural Postal Life Insurance), PLI (Postal Life Insurance), opening of IPPB (India Post Payment Bank) accounts, SSA (Sukanya Samriddhi Accounts), and Mahila Samman accounts.
In light of the current scenario, GDS have developed remarkable marketing skills and go beyond their duty hours to promote the services of the department. Despite network issues, they start work early in the morning and work late in the evenings. They handle devices and mobile handsets provided by the department, and recently, with the advent of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy, many GDS are utilizing their personal smart phones for departmental work. The contribution of GDS in driving the RPLI, PLI, and IPPB accounts is commendable, accounting for up to 80% of the total targets set. However, the incentives announced are seldom availed by the majority of GDS involved in these activities.
Therefore, it is imperative to regularize their services and confer departmental status on par with regular employees. All all aware that most of the GDS staff work for more than 5-9 hours on an average, there is a justifiable rationale for absorbing them as departmental employees, with all the associated benefits, including leave, HRA (House Rent Allowance), TA/DA (Travel Allowance/Daily Allowance), pension, medical facilities, education benefits, and other facilities, without any discrimination. It is time to halt the prevalent cheap labor system, as the entire GDS community is united in protesting against this exploitation.
We kindly request your kind
intervention and support in addressing the following vital issues:-
Grant 8 hour Work & all
benefits including Pension.
Immediate implementation of all positive recommendations of the Kamalesh Chandra Committee, including rational fixation of TRCA (Time-Related Continuity Allowance) with effect from 1.1.2016, akin to regular employees, weightage increments for seniors/bunching, time-bound financial up-gradation on completion of 12, 24, and 36 years of service.
Enhancement of the Group Insurance
coverage up to Rs. 5 Lakhs.
Enhancement of GDS gratuity up to Rs. 5 Lakhs.
Carry forward and encashment of
paid leave up to 180 days.
Provision of medical facilities to GDS and their family members.
Increase GDS and department
contributions to SDBS (Service Discharge Benefit Scheme) from 3% to 10% wherever
applicable, and grant ad hoc pension to all retired GDS.
Abolish all incentive schemes/systems and include all work done by GDS, such as IPPB, PLI, RPLI, Savings Schemes, and MGNREGS, in their workload assessment.
End all discriminations in
granting annual increments and TRCA based on workload, such as II TRCA to new
recruits employed for 5 hours work under the principles of equal pay for equal
work/workload. Ensure uniformity in drawing annual increments for GDS and
regular staff.
Grant combined duty allowance with arrears to all GDS Branch Postmasters (BPMs) performing additional duties of mail delivery and conveyance. For BPMs directed to carry Branch Office bags between Branch Office and Administrative Office, the time required for carrying mails should be considered as additional duty, and payment should be made accordingly.
Absorb all casual laborers in
Postal and RMS offices in vacant GDS posts as a one-time measure.
Cease all forms of harassment
faced by GDS in the form of business targets and compelling them to use their
own mobile devices against their willingness or capacity to follow social media
platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
Assure compassionate appointments for the dependent wards of deceased GDS, without any discrimination towards married daughters or any other such factors as the GDS families are conditioned for such lifestyle of exploitation.
Withdraw the RICT DEVICE and
provide laptops, printers, and broadband network access to all Branch Offices
(BOs) to enhance and expedite services.
IPPB training should be conducted free of cost or should be paid by the divisions for the GDS.
Honorable Prime Minister, your
good office, support and timely action are vital in addressing these pressing
issues faced by the GDS community. By addressing their concerns and fulfilling
their rightful demands, we will not only ensure their well-being but also
foster a more efficient and productive India Post.
We, along with the entire GDS community, express our sincere gratitude for your attention to this memorandum. Your valuable intervention will rejuvenate the GDS workforce and further strengthen the India Post.
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