GDS To Postman Exam 2023 Result | Download GDS To Postman Exam result 2023 in PDF
Sub: Declaration of results in respect of Competitive Examination for recruitment to the cadre of Postman/Mail Guard from among eligible GDS for the vacancy year 2023 (01-01-2023 to 31-12-2023) held on 30-04-2023 and DEST (Paper-IV) held on 25-06-2023.
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R&E/1-7/2023 1/76911/2023DEPARTMENT OF POSTS O/o the Chief Postmaster General, Karnataka Circle, Bengaluru-560 001 Memo No. R&E/1-7/2023 dated at Bengaluru 560001 the 26-07-2023
This is in continuation of this office memo of even number dated 07-07- 2023. in pursuance to Directorate’s letter No. A-34012/02/2023-DE dated 10-03- 2023, this office notification No. R&E/2-19/2023 dated 15-03-2023 and 28-04- 2023, Competitive Examination for recruitment to the cadre of Postman, Mail Guard & MTS from among eligible GDS for 50% of vacancies limited to GDS for the vacancy year 2023 (01-01-2023 to 31-12-2023) was held on 30-04-2023 (Paper-I, II & III). Data Entry Skill Test (DEST - Paper-IV) to the cadre of Postman / Mail Guard for the eligible MTS & GDS candidates qualified in Paper-I & II (combined) and Paper-III was conducted on 25-06-2023.
2. The provisional answer keys of Paper-I, II & III (in series A,B,C & D of both papers) inviting feedback/objections if any were published by this office on 01- 05-2023. Based on responses received from candidates and recommendations of the Moderation Committee, Final Answer keys adopted in respect of Paper-l, Paper-II and Paper-III were published/displayed on 29-05-2023.
3. As per Directorate’s guidelines issued vide letter No. 17-08/2018-SPN-I dated 05-04-2022 and No. 17-08/2018-SPN-I dated 19-12-2022, following are qualifying criteria for Paper-I & II (combined), Paper-III and Paper-IV (Data Entry Skill Test) DEST for promotion / appointment to Postman/Mail Guard from eligible GDS.
4. The Competent Authority is now pleased to announce the results of Competitive Examination for recruitment to the cadre of Postman, Mail Guard & MTS from among eligible GDS for 50% of vacancies limited to GDS by adding the unfilled vacancies of LDCE for promotion from MTS to Postman/Mail Guard. Details of vacancies (50% quota limited to GDS) were announced vide this office notification addendum of even number dated 28-04-2023. Revised vacancies by adding unfilled vacancies of 25% seniority cum fitness quota of MTS and unfilled vacancies of 25% LDCE quota for promotion from MTS to Postman cadre and 50% LDCE quota for promotion from MTS to Mail Guard cadre is enclosed as Annexure-I. Accordingly, the names of the candidates declared successful for appointment to the cadre of Postman and Mail Guard in respect of Recruiting Postal and RMS Divisions for LDCE quota from amangst eligible GDS is enclosed as Annexure-II. Also, Surplus results of the Competitive Examination for appointment amongst eligible GDS of all other RMS Divisions of the Circle to the cadre of Mail Guard cadre is enclosed as Annexure-III.
5. Unfilled vacancies have been added to the respective categories of vacancies earmarked for GDS quota as per the Directorate guidelines finstructions in letter No. W-03/2/2020-SPN-I dated 15-04-2020.
6. The candidates of reserved category i.e., SC/ST who were shown as qualified on merit and selected against UR vacancies shall be adjusted against UR vacancy in the roster. In respect of the candidates who have obtained equal marks, Divisional Heads are requested to decide their seniority at their end as per the extant rulings on the subject.
7. The person appointed to the post of Postman shall have/acquire a driving license to drive two-wheeler or three wheeler or light motor vehicle within a period of two years from the date of his appointment. However, Persons with Disability shall be exempted from the requirement of driving license. A candidate not having valid driving license at the time of appointment shall not earn periodical increment in pay till production of such license or for a period of five years from the date of appointment whichever is earlier and after production of such license or expiry of such five years period, pay shall be restored prospectively to the level pay would have reached had the periodical increment in pay was not withheld and no arrears of pay shall be paid for interveningperiod. (This condition is required for recruitment to the cadre of Postman only).
8. The category of the candidates may be rechecked with reference to the Government of Karnataka order No SWD 713 SAD 93 dated 11-03-2002 communicated vide this office letter No. STA/26-1/5/Rlgs/VII/PT dated 22-05- 2003. The selection and appointment of the candidate belonging to OBC/EWS/SC/ST is subject to verification of their caste status by the divisions concerned, as per extant instructions on the subject,
9. As per the point no. 05 of notification dated 15-03-2023, in surplus results the candidates have been selected and allotted to the Divisions / Units as per merit (category-wise UR/SC/ST/OBC/EWS) vis-a-vis order of preference exercised by the candidates subject to availability of vacancy in the Division / Unit on their turn of allotment.
10. In accordance with the instructions contained in Directorate’s letter No. 17- 08/2018-SPB-I dated 05-04-2022 and subsequent letters from Directorate, the candidates who qualified in Paper-l & Paper-li (combined), Paper-III & Paper- IV(DEST) separately have been considered for final selection and their merit list is prepared only based on total marks secured in Paper-I & II (combined) since both Paper-III and Paper-1V are only qualifying in nature.
11. The names of the candidates have been arranged in the order of merit Division/Unit wise. The inter-se rank/merit of the candidates who have secured equal marks has been decided as per Directorate instruction / guidelines in letter No. 04-08/2019-SPN-I dated 11-12-2020.
12. Regions are requested to verify the relevant particulars of the selected candidate(s) at their own level. In case, it is subsequently found that any of the qualified candidate (s) was not eligible to take the examination under the extant rutes or instructions on the subject for any other reasons or in case any mistake is found with regard to list of qualified candidates for any reason whatsoever, the action taken may be brought to the notice of Circle Office.
13. The information relating to vacancies, name(s) of the candidate(s), their roll number(s) and category (ies) etc., have been shown on the basis of information furnished by the Region/Division/Units. In case there are any mistakes in the details of vacancies, candidate(s) etc., the same may be intimated to this office for necessary action. If however, there is any mistake in the Name / Roll No. / Category of the candidate(s) is noticed, the same may be corrected and intimated to this office immediately.
14. In case, if it is found subsequently that any of the promoted/selected candidate(s) was not eligible to take the examination under the existing rules/instructions on the subject or for any reasons or in case any mistake is found about announcement of results of any candidate for any reason whatsoever his/her name will be deleted from the list of successful candidates, as the case may be. This result is also subject to any change in the merit list of successful candidate's due to any unforeseen reason in accordance with the existing rules and instructions on the subject or orders of Hon'ble CAT/ High Court, if any.”
15. The provision of reviewing of results of failed SC/ST candidates has been revisited by the Postal Service Board and decided to discontinue, as communicated vide Postal Directorate letter No. 4-13/2015-SPN-I dated 08-04- 2016.
16. The Divisional/Unit Heads, before giving appointment to the selected candidates should ensure that the selected candidates fulfil all required conditions of relevant Recruitment Rules of Postman /Mail Guard.
17. The selection of the candidates is purely provisional subject to the fulfilment of required conditions of relevant Recruitment Rules & verification of genuineness of various mandatory certificates of the candidates by the concerned head of the unit. It may be ensured that no provisional candidate is given appointment without regularization of their candidature.
18. The Divisions/Regions are requested to verify the current status of the candidature of the qualified candidates before appointment of the candidate,
19. The appointing authorities are requested to carry out all the required pre- appointment formalities as provided in relevant rules and instructions issued from time to time on the subject.
20, Since the examination has been conducted using OMR answer sheets, the request for re-totalling / re-valuation will not be entertained. Photo copies of answer papers will be supplied to the candidates on submission of application under RTI Act 2005. Applications other than under RTI Act, 2005 for supply of photo copies will not be entertained.
a) The period of preservation of OMR answer sheet is one year from the date of declaration of Main result. Therefore applications received after one year for supply of photo copies of answer sheet will not be entertained by the department.
b) Candidates who wish to have the copies of OMR answer sheets supplied are required to pay a fee of Rs. 25 /- per paper plus Rs. 10/- towards fee for application under RT! Act,2005 in the post office and submit their applications to CPIO / Assistant Director (R&E), O/o Chief Postmaster General, Bengaluru - 560 001 through their respective Division / Unit (through proper channel only) along with the receipt of payment of fee in original.
c) Photocopies of OMR answer sheet will be supplied only to the candidates who appeared for the examination. Therefore, the candidate should invariably intimate their roll no. in the application under RTI Act.
21. The Divisional funit Heads are requested to issue Appointment orders to the successful candidates IMMEDIATELY clearly indicating that if the official does not join within Seven (07) days it will be deemed to have been refused. Official on leave may be allowed to join even after seven days if he/she communicates in writing to accept the appointment and in that case the official will be allowed to join after expiry of approved leave period. Controlling officers are advised to contact such successful candidates who are on leave for obtaining their consent to join after expiry of leave in writing. Similarly, candidates who do not wish to join may be encouraged to communicate the same in writing. The Regional/Divisional Heads are requested to obtain the declaration of those candidates who are declining the selection as Postman / Mail Guard, if any on or before 31-07-2023 and a proforma in this regard is enclosed.
22. The Divisional / Unit heads are also requested to ensure timely issuance of appointment letters so that candidates can join their respective offices of posting at the earliest, The guidelines issued vide Directorate letter No. W-04/2/2020- SPN-I-Part(1) dated 19-10-2020 may be taken into consideration while issuing appointment orders.
23. The Divisional Heads may ensure that provisional appointment orders are issued to the candidates within 15 days. While issuing the a intment order, the term “APPOINTMENT” only to be used. The term “PROMOTION” Should NOT be used any-where in respect of these GDS candidates.
24. Details of vacancies notified, filled and remained unfilled (category wise) may be intimated by 01-08-2023 for taking further action for allotment of candidates of other recruiting units in the Circle.
25. Results of provisionally recommended candidates are kept in sealed cover. The divisional/ unit heads are requested to finalize the candidature of provisionally recommended candidates and intimate the details of such candidates to Circle office through concerned Region at the earliest so as to take further action on these cases.
26. The results and contents of this memo may be brought to the notice of all concerned.
Receipt of this memo may please be acknowledged.
Signed by Tankasala Rama Sudhakara Rao Date: 26-07-2023 18:25:59 Reason: Approved
(T RAMASUDHAKARA RAO) Assistant Director (R & E) O/o the Chief Postmaster General Karnataka Circle, Bengaluru-560 001
Copy of this memo is issued for information and needful action to:
1) The Postmaster General, North Karnataka Region, Dharwad-580 001
2) Thé Postmaster General, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560 001
3) The Postmaster General, Bengaluru HQ Region, Bengaluru-560 001
4) The General Manager, CEPT, Mysuru - 570 010 for uploading the results in India post website
5) The Director, Postal Training Centre, Mysuru-570 010
6) The Officer in charge, P&T Admn Cell, APS wing, Brig of the Guards, Regimental Centre, PIN 900 746 C/o 56 APO.
7) Legal Cell/Staff CO for information and necessary action.
8) OL Section, CO for Hindi Translation.
9) Technology Section, CO for uploading the results in Karnataka Postal Circle website.
10) All service Associations.
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