GDS Online Recruitment (Engagement) Schedule-II (July) 2023 - vacancy updation/employee data updation - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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GDS Online Recruitment (Engagement) Schedule-II (July) 2023 - vacancy updation/employee data updation

This is regarding GDS Online Engagement Schedule-l (July) 2023 vacancy capture by divisions. With reference to Directorate letter no.17-67/2023-GDS dated 20.07.2023

1. Provision to vacancy updation/employee data updation is made available to the divisions w.e.f. 24.07.2023 to 28.07.2023.

2. Divisions may login and update the vacant posts for Schedule-II (July) 2023. The existing user ids updated for Special Driver vacancy are active.

3. Vacancies in r/o following categories are prepopulated for confirmation by divisions to include in Schedule-II notification.

a) Post vacant at Home division due to Rule-3 June 2023 Schedule approval and relief (Vacancy remained at home division)

b) Post notified for Rule-3 June 2023 vacancy and no allotment is made (Vacancy remained at home division)

c) Post notified for Rule-3 June 2023 vacancy, allotment is made and candidate not relieved due to any reason (Vacancy remained at destination division)

d) GDS Schedule-I January 2023 unfilled vacancies taken upto 24.07.2023 either rejected at engaging authority or not turned/rejected at verifying authority in all lists. Please note that the above vacancies prepopulated are indicative only which will be considered only on confirmation by the division for Schedule-II notification.

4. Provision for unfreezing data entry process/update division mobile number is available in the circle login.

5. Only the posts showing Marked for "GDS Online Engagement Schedule-II (July) 2023" in establishment mapping tab & list of posts showing in Vacant Posts tab will be treated as vacant for Schedule-II (July) 2023. Division may update the vacant status accordingly.

6. Only the posts of circles which have uploaded the certificate duly signed by DPS (HQ) by 01.08.2023 for completion of vacancy data entry process will be treated as vacant for Schedule-II (July) 2023.

7. As instructed by the Directorate, No extension in this respect will be granted for the current cycle. Hence, circles may ensure the completion of vacancy update status.

With Regards, Centre for Excellence in Postal Technology Hyderabad - 500 001. Ph: 040-23463645,23463614 

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