Extension of transaction/business hours in Post Offices (DOP)
Subject: Extension of transaction/business hours in Department of Post Offices (DOP)-reg.
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No. 27.46/2015.Po(Pt)-Part(1) Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (PO Division) Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg New Delhi 110001 Date: 11th july 2023
To, Chief Postmaster General Karnataka Circle, Maharashira Circle And Tamil Nadu Circle
This is regarding reported extension of ansacion/business hours in Departmental post offices in Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu Circle through orders of Citce Office a intimated by the Federation of National Postal Organisations
2. it has been intimated that
a) Transactionbusiness hours (except Savings Bank) has been extended upto 30 minutes before the closure of the Departmental post offices in Kamataka Cicle wef 01.07.2023,
b) Working/business hours (all types of transactions) has been extended from 8 am to 8 pm in Head Post Offices in Western Region, Tamil Nadu Circle and Mumbai Region, Maharashira Circle
3. Further it has been claimed there in that although working business hours have been extended but the mail arrangement has not been aigned with extended business hours leading to delay in mail delivery and that the above-said extension of workng hours is not aligned wih Directorate’ instructions issued vide OM no. 27-46/2015-PO dated 07.01.2016 on the subject
4. In this context Director General Posta Services has directed to seek a confirmation of Whether a review of the mail arrangement and casn schedules in your respective Circle has been done to align them with the counter hours.
5 It is requested to send a confimaton to this office at the earliest.
(Prateek) Assistant Director General (PO)
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